Be careful when subscribing to Netflix: you may have missed one of the subscriptions, which the platform avoids highlighting. It has already completely disappeared in Canada.

After the end of account sharing and subscription with ads, will Netflix tighten its offers even further? In any case, this is what happened to subscribers in Canada, who saw the Essential offer without advertising (at 8.99 euros / month in France) completely disappear from its subscription formulas.

Canadians who want to enjoy Netflix can now only subscribe to the standard subscription with ads (€5.99/month in France), the standard subscription (€13.49/month) and the Premium subscription (17.99 €/month).

For the time being, this measure has not been applied in France. French Netflix subscribers can still benefit from or subscribe to the essential subscription (the cheapest without ads). But the streaming platform has issued worrying signs that raise questions about its future disappearance.

For some time, when you are looking to subscribe to Netflix, only the standard offers with ads, standard and premium are offered by default on the subscription page of the platform. A detail that has not escaped most observers, but also specialists in the sector, who saw it as a sign that the Essential offer without advertising was no longer really in the odor of sanctity.

The essential subscription at 8.99 euros per month is now hidden: when subscribing, you must now click on “See all offers” so that the Essential subscription can be selected. For the time being, Netflix has not communicated on this little subterfuge, which some see as a way to “hide” one of the most attractive offers. No official comment either on the imminent disappearance of this very popular offer in France. But the platform seems in any case to want to discourage new users from joining…