MOVIE THEATER. We take stock of the health rules in force in cinemas, between the vaccination pass, the health pass and the wearing of a mask.

[Updated April 11, 2022 at 11:38 a.m.] It’s a return to almost normal which is therefore in effect in cinemas. The health rules in force have changed since the beginning of 2022. It is no longer compulsory to wear a mask inside the establishment and during the screening of the film. However, it is advisable to keep it. Do I have to present a vaccination pass (complete vaccination schedule, or Covid-19 recovery certificate, or contraindication to vaccination) to access cinemas? No, and this since March 14, the date of the suspension of this obligation. Also, since February 16, 2022, the sale of confectionery and consumption are again authorized. The rules of distancing and health precautions are however still advised. Find your cinema sessions by clicking on the link.

From the age of 6, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in cinemas, whether during the session in the room, but also when traveling in the establishment which projects the films. This rule comes into force from February 28, since the vaccination pass was then compulsory to access the rooms when you are over 16 years old. It was retired on March 14, 2022.

Since March 14, 2022, it is no longer mandatory to present a vaccination pass to go to the cinema. As a reminder, before this date, people over the age of 16 had to present a complete vaccination schedule, a coronavirus recovery certificate of more than 11 days or less than four months or a certificate of medical contraindication to vaccination. .

Since July 21, 2021, the health pass, a new health protocol, was required to go to cinemas. It has been replaced by the vaccination pass for those over 16 years old. Since March 14, 2022, no proof of a Covid-19 vaccine or negative test is required to go to the cinema.