Jacques Audiard shot an American western with “Les Frères Sisters”, broadcast on France 3 this Monday, October 9. And the director noted a surprising attitude of American actors.

France 3 broadcasts the film “Les Frères Sisters” this Monday, October 9 at 9:10 pm. This Western Modern is produced by the French filmmaker Jacques Audiard. Released in 2018, this is the director’s first film to be shot entirely in English and with mainly American actors.

Thus, Michel Audiard’s son was able to note differences between the work of American actors and French actors. In comments reported by Allociné, Jacques Audiard details as well as the American actors “offer a kind of immediate incarnation” for the spectator, who notes that “the faces do not appear in the same way, the bodies do not have the Same size, voices the same depth. “

Beyond their presence on screen, Jacques Audiard noticed, while filming “The Sisters Brothers”, that the American actors worked differently from the French actors. He remembers from the media specializing in cinema news that Jake Gyllenhaal approached him to ask the filmmaker how his character, who studied in the first universities on the American East Coast in the 19th century, would express himself.

A question that confused the director: “How to answer that? He went to work for a month with a linguist and he returned with a phonetic script”. Jacques Audiard says he is impressed by this American professionalism: “They come with the character’s approach, they determined how he sits, how he behaves in society, whether or not he looks at those to whom he’s address.”

The director was indeed able to see on the set that the Americans have developed the “cinema actor” profession: “they know where the camera is, what is the objective, how we will see them, if they are in The frame or not, what detail of their expression will be captured. All of this was very new for me and very impressive. Electrizing, even. “

Les Frères Sisters on the TV program on France 3 this Monday October 9 at 9:10 p.m. and streaming on france.tv