Alain Delon’s children have filed a complaint against their father’s “lady-in-waiting”, accusing her in particular of “violence” and “moral harassment”.

Alain Delon’s children have filed a complaint against their father’s “lady-in-waiting”, a certain Hiromi Rolin. They accuse him in particular of “moral harassment”, “willful violence and kidnapping of vulnerable people”, or “abuse of weakness and violence on an animal”. The 87-year-old actor has joined the lawsuit against the 6-year-old Japanese woman, whom he has called a “companion” in the past. According to children’s lawyer Delon, she has been living with the French film legend at her residence in Douchy since her stroke in 2019.

For nearly a year and a half, Anthony Delon, the actor’s eldest son, has noted all the facts he wishes to bring to the attention of justice. To this is added the “misappropriation of correspondence” since the one who had been described in the past as the “companion” of the actor is accused of having opened, deleted, delayed or diverted mails addressed to the actor or posted by the actor to third parties, says their lawyer.

In a press release from the Delon family lawyer, Me Christophe Ayela gives more details on the charges against the actor’s “lady-in-waiting”. Hiromi Rolin is described as “aggressive, denigrating and insulting” towards the actor and his children. “She never ceases to isolate Mr. Alain Delon from his relatives, his friends, his family, using maneuvers and threats”. He specifies that she would control his telephone conversations, that she would pretend to be him and that she would try to intercept his mail. “She is authoritarian, threatening, even going so far as to mistreat Mr. Delon’s dog in an unacceptable way.”

We still know little about the career and personality of Hiromi Rolin, the source of the complaint. To avoid loneliness, Alain Delon would have been “resigned” for a few years to the company of this unknown “medical assistant”, can we read in a press release from Anthony Delon, published in the press.

In a documentary on the actor broadcast in 2021 on TV5 Monde, Alain Delon himself presented the “lady-in-waiting” as his “Japanese companion, Hiromi”. A woman who, according to him, had been “very present at [his] side throughout [s] his recovery”, following his stroke in 2019. The couple had been observed again last May, at the preview of a film by Alain-Fabien Delon.

Hiromi Rolin was kicked out of Alain Delon’s residence in Douchy, Loiret, at the end of June, AFP still indicates. “The situation in two years has taken on such proportions that my father himself finally asked on June 27 in writing that Ms. Hiromi Rolin leave her residence definitively,” said Anthony Delon in a press release.

Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon’s complaint for “moral harassment” was accompanied by a press release from their lawyer, Me Christophe Ayela. According to him, Hiromi Rolin would have shown herself over the months “more and more aggressive, denigrating and abusive towards him, and towards his children”, trying “to isolate Alain Delon from his relatives, his friends , and his family, using maneuvers and threats”.

“She systematically controls his telephone conversations and his private messages. She answers in his place, pretending to be him, she tries to intercept his postal mail. She prevents his children from coming to see him regularly, as they have nevertheless always done”, listed Me Christophe Ayela.

Anthony Delon also indicated that he had added to the collective complaint for “moral harassment” a second complaint for “willful violence on a vulnerable person”, “abuse of weakness”, “sequestration on a vulnerable person” and “violence on an animal”, the Alain Delon’s dog having been, according to him, the target of acts of mistreatment.

Anthony Delon says he has listed “for a year and a half” many facts to support the procedure. An argument with Hiromi Rolin at Alain Delon’s birthday party in early 2022 was, according to him, a trigger. Hiromi Rolin and eldest child Delon were at odds over a fall, requiring stitches and hospitalization. “At this precise moment, I became aware of an abnormal situation which was going, I was convinced, to deteriorate over time”, he writes.