Tom Cruise is definitely not an actor like the others. He contractually requires 50 strings for each film. The explanation is simple…

Stars can have crazy demands on film sets. And when you’re an actor who performs some of the most dangerous stunts, like jumping on a plane in mid-flight or scaling Dubai skyscrapers, you usually get what you want. It seems in any case that this is the case of Tom Cruise, who would have a surprising request before shooting his scenes, and in particular his action sequences, according to the rumor circulating in Hollywood.

We know: Tom Cruise is one of the most demanding actors. When “Top Gun: Maverick” was released, for example, its list of conditions was widely commented on. The star demanded that the scenes be as real as possible, without using computer graphics. As producer, he also required all actors playing pilots to take three months of flying lessons, to limit the use of stunt doubles. It was also Tom Cruise who demanded the presence of Val Kilmer in the casting.

But there are some requests that are really out of the ordinary. The Daily Star claimed in 2014 that the main actor of the “Mission: Impossible” franchise did not want to be distracted or limited in his movements when filming dangerous stunts. To overcome this risk, the 61-year-old American actor would ask those responsible for costumes on film sets to provide him with around fifty thongs made of stretchy material. Essential equipment according to him for its performance and safety!

According to the anonymous source who spoke to the English-language media, “he was initially embarrassed to make such a request, but he does it to improve his flexibility as he gets older”. But why 50 strings? Simply because, Tom Cruise would rather wear a new one for every take. “He sees it as dedication to his art,” adds the Daily Star. In any case, that doesn’t seem to stop him from performing ever crazier stunts, on the contrary. As evidenced by the latest “Mission: Impossible” released in theaters on July 12, 2023.