The series which adapts the adventures of Aang, Sokka and Katara on Netflix is ??a real hit. Enough to guarantee a season 2? What we know.

It’s the hit of the end of the month on Netflix: by adapting Nickelodeon’s cult animated series into live action, Avatar the Last Airbender has aroused the curiosity of subscribers to the streaming platform who are are found en masse in front of the 8 episodes of the new series.

According to figures provided by Netflix, Avatar: The Last Airbender has accumulated 21.2 million views in less than a week. It finally precedes the mini-series One Day; which has been at the top of the current series since its release at the beginning of the month. The adaptation of the adventures of Aang, Sokka and Katara is thus the series at the top of the ranking of the most viewed programs of the moment throughout the world, and particularly in France.

But is this success enough to guarantee a season 2 of the Netflix series? It is too early to say, since we have to wait to discover the journey of Avatar the Last Airbender over several weeks to know if this success is ephemeral or consolidated. For now, the streaming platform has not yet confirmed the production of a second season, and will probably not do so for several days, as is usual. What is certain is that the series adapts, for its first season, the first Avatar book. If the series is to be renewed, it still has the second and third books of the animated series to feature. There is therefore no shortage of material for a second or even a third season.

But we can nevertheless say that the figures are rather positive for the moment: for comparison, the live action series One Piece had accumulated 18.5 million views in its first week, a figure below that of Avatar . Remember that the adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s manga then continued to enjoy great success, without however succeeding in establishing itself among the most popular programs of all time on the streaming platform. And that apparently was enough to allow it to be renewed for a season 2 currently in the works.

Furthermore, Avatar: The Last Airbender is the only blockbuster series currently on Netflix. If a few programs will certainly arouse curiosity in the coming weeks, such as Furies or The Gentlemen, they should hardly provide much competition to the adaptation of the animated series. On the other hand, The Three-Body Problem, which comes out on March 21 on Netflix, could compete with it. However, we must wait for an official announcement from the streaming platform to definitively know the fate of the series.