So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expense

I can just as easily break down and confess, first as last. I was definitely not among those who were the quickest to understand the seriousness of the coronaviruset. When the first posters and dunkene with antibac appeared on the my local fitness center, like around 10. march, I thought “cosmetic measures” and sweated on. The first time I met people who would not shake hands, I think they were weird. Already a week later we had that divides the household postponed a confirmation, celebrated two birthdays without guests, cancelled three idrettsreiser and begun to change what was once a garden plot to the outdoor gym.

In addition, I read an infinite number of articles about the virus. A little while, after intense studies of smittsomhet, mortality, experiences from different countries and similar viruses, I felt me upstairs and well informed. I had a habit to lecture people on Facebook, I do not see away that I could have come to believe both the one and the other about karantenebestemmelser, hytteturer, home office, and closed the schools. Now, having begun to accustom myself to this new life, I have found that I do best in reading books about other things, instead of believing that I will be early to understand something new about how the virus behaves.

Dear health care worker Debate

during the three weeks I have, and quite a few others with similar yrkesbakgrunn, has gone from being “criticism of society” to the confident citizenship. However, “criticism of society” is shown to mean something other than “a man who rarely takes the people with power say for good fish”, so I thought. People with criticism of society and function is the health care worker, lagerarbeidere, those who work in grocery stores, drivers and other people who have been in the vicinity of either bonus payments, the financial parachute or plussbeløp on record for fortune in the tax return.

Since I know very little about the epidemiology and, in truth, not one hundred percent steady on the differences between bacteria and viruses, I have come to realize that it is best to do as I instructed. Every time I think that a measure works in excess hysterically, the next death toll from Italy or Spain has made it clear that this can I too little. And while I, like that of everyday, often can think uncomplimentary thoughts about politicians in general and the individual ministers in particular, is I am pretty happy that I do not have the political responsibility to balance the plot against the financial consequences. Or for individuals in at-risk groups, versus others ‘ mental health as a result of isolation and lack of contact. Not to mention to master the art to predict which direction the people’s rage will correct itself the next time – whether it is the use of the local football field, the restriction of the use of the own boat or whether it is actions with civil disobedience when the stores go empty for hjemmefarging of the hair.

respect that others know better than myself, is not the same as to shut down public debate. It does not mean that one should stop to discuss about the government prioritizes employers for high and labour too low, or the opposite. About what decisions should apply to the whole country and what should be up to each individual municipality to decide. If current measures are maintained also after easter, and perhaps even become more stringent, it becomes even more important with an ongoing discussion about the balance between infectious disease and other adverse effects on the community. Or, a discussion I haven’t seen, but think the advantage could have been taken: How much of its oil wealth, which is morally correct to use here and now. I have in no way full of confidence to the government, virtually in any questions. But I have great respect for they, in the corpse with the city council in the city I live in, is in a situation with extremely many considerations that must be weighed against each other, a wide range of sectors that cries out for immediate help and a NAV that is not able to handle the record-high piles of dagpengesøknader.

Dogs exposed to two coronavirus Dagbladet Plus

Life easier when I thought that experts in epidemiology: enough is as good at his job as a contractor in the cabin is to their. Although I have studied the nordic and know fairly little about both. Therefore, relate the I to the advice from the Norwegian institute of public health. Dot. I try not to think of tricking the thoughts of yourself, on your own, about flokkimmunitet, braking or utbrenning of the virus. My only input is a low-key, careful suggestions if not all lonely people can get the dog on the blue prescription. It must be the one thing that will help most people to keep depression away and your mood up: It comes to remember how it is to be loved and needed for others.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError CORONASTENGT: there are Several tourist attractions around the world is closed to reduce the infection of the new coronaviruset Covid-19, and page 13. march has the Shedd Aquarium is not released into some visitors. Video: AP via NTB Scanpix. Clip: Ørjan Ryland / Dagbladet Show more

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