It started with a small self-experiment. The idea was to live for two months after a cookbook, vegan and write about it in a Blog. Until then, eating meat was, for me, the most natural thing in the world, my grandparents had a farm and I was slaughtered as a child, rabbit or Wild, except, questioned I’ve never. Then two things came together, a colleague asked, who would like to feed two months vegan and I had just read Davis Foster Wallace “This is Water”. He writes about the possibility of his innate default setting is to ask and other points of view allow, as the self-centered, comfortable, and obvious. For me listless, anemic-looking world were Vegans at this time improver, the victims for happy animals, your health, and I was Convinced that I needed meat.

From two months to four years

for Two months I wanted to know my attitude behind the questions, how it feels, if it waived entirely on animal food, and the arguments for a meat-free diet to meet. I have learned not only that you can also cook with plant-based ingredients, very tasty and healthy, but I also know more about animal husbandry, meat and milk production.

Though to me already it was clear that it is possible to satisfy the lust of the flesh of our society with industrial farming, I was shocked by the extent to which this System has now been adopted. The resulting problems are so enormous that even the United Nations and the world Bank have been warning of the ecological and economic consequences. This has moved me to me to continue to eat vegan, it is the clearest Position against mass animal farming.

What is vegan? The expert

says, “anyone Who lives vegan, you must be very well informed and know what is where in there. Besides, Vegans, Vitamin B-12 Supplement. Not in a plant-based diet. Derik Meinköhn is informed in this area in a very balanced way. Pregnant and lactating women, infants and children, the sick and the Infirm, I would not recommend a vegan diet. Unless you regularly let the blood values to examine. Of these groups, I would rather recommend a vegetarian diet.”

– Dagmar von Cramm is a nutritional scientist (Dipl. oec. troph) and a Presidium member of the German society for nutrition (DGE). She is a professional journalist, editor-in-chief of eathealthy and book author.

As a Vegan refers to someone who avoids animal products as much as possible. This affects not only the diet, but also all the things that surround us. Leather shoes, goose Down, and other things in the production of animals or exploited to be killed. Meat is excluded from the food plan, but also to milk, because the milk of cows which do not give voluntarily. So you can milk a cow, she needs to get a calf every year. The man takes her as quickly as possible, because the milk is consumed by the people. Eggs and honey does not go well. Since the conclusion is not but long.

If you think about it, is it allowed to drink almost no wine, because it is clarified with gelatin or egg whites. Fruit trees are pollinated breeding with bees from the mass, of the labels on the bottles have animal glue, copper is made with animal charcoal.

Where is exactly the limit, everyone has to decide for themselves.

The to eat as a Vegan

You should not omit just meat, eggs and milk, and not meat-replacement products to buy. The basis are unprocessed, fresh food. I would always start with a cookbook, so that you understand how vegan cooking works. The better you eat, the harder it will be to good to eat without meat. The taste level of a roast is difficult to achieve. Much can be learned from the Indian, Lebanese and Asian cuisine. You have a lot of traditional vegan dishes that taste so good that you will also miss switching nothing. If you cook only from time to time vegan, or just want to try out a couple of weeks, you have to note anything Special. Cooking buy the book and go.

but If you want to live longer vegan, you should deal a little with nutrients and not to take on any case, Vitamin B12, namely in plants in a usable Form. The body needs a few months to the intestinal flora adapt to the new diet. I don’t believe in Superfoods, are offered around the vegan diet. The are expensive, taste horrible, and the effect is based more on legends than facts. The diet should be as rounded as possible. There are various theories about how the vegan diet pyramid, each Trend will also be covered here. I eat what I like and what I want and not what gives me a Plan. I fulfill in order to loose the recommendations for all the essential nutrients and my blood values are showing me that my body has adjusted well and he signaled me reliably what I should eat.

How expensive is it Restbet to eat vegan? “Help” against excess weight and wrinkles, açaí berry – the new Superfood? Nicole hot man

in The beginning it was very complex what was the cookbook that I have tried. It took quite a lot of special ingredients that often get difficult. I think these special things are incorporated in the recipes of other chefs delineate. In the meantime, I’m largely on food changed in every supermarket, the shopping is much easier.
The only thing that I order directly from a mill, the seeds are hulled hemp, because organic food which are much to expensive. Hemp is a tip from a nutritionist that I met at a Workshop, he is grown locally, is affordable, has a nearly perfect protein profile, Omega-3 fatty acids and tastes very good to many dishes, from cereals and salads to pumpkin soup. In the kitchen, in the beginning it was also exhausting, but you learn pretty quickly how to cook what dishes. And after a few weeks, you is able to hybridize old recipes vegan. Eggs can be replaced by, for example, flax seed meal, bananas, Apples, or soy flour, of Butter by Margarine, or a mixture of Oil and water, depending on what you are cooking or baking would.

How expensive is it to eat vegan

I’ve fed has always been of high quality and, therefore, before much money is spent on food. My first vegan shopping I was shocked nevertheless. Rice Syrup, Acai Powder, Acerola Powder, Chia-seeds, raw cacao, Matcha, Almond butter, brown millet Flakes, Apple sweetness, almond milk for the receipt, I would get three purchases. If I makes but with rice syrup, honey, or cane sugar is hardly a difference. Instead of Chia seeds you just take flax seeds, Cashews can be replaced with peeled hemp. Acai seems to be generally overrated, the dose of Vitamin C from Acerola, you can authorize with an Apple and nut milk can be produced for a few cents. In the meantime, there are some books or websites devoted to the topic of Low-Budget-kitchen. Vegan need not be expensive.

“My perfect diet” Why is this woman waived to sugar

How important is sugar and there is a perfect diet? In part one of our series “My perfect diet” explains a blogger, why you omitted the sugar, and thus better lives.

By Denise Snieguole Wachter, there Were relapses, there are exceptions?

The first year I was very strict and did not make any exceptions. In the meantime, I have to eat but no desire, when a store or to eat only French fries or nibble a lettuce leaf, I wave then sometimes vegetarian.
not only has the advantage that you will have enough to eat, but you do not need to talk during the meal. This can mess up a immediately the evening, because a Vegan at the table makes everyone a bad Conscience and a bad mood. Vegetarians are fully accepted members of society, Vegans, however, the type that makes jokes. If you explain why you don’t eat meat, the joke quickly in a heated battle of words. I have sometimes just not in the mood. I actually find the question after a relapse is already pretty stupid, as if it would be a sin to eat again, what has all his life eaten.

How was the resonance in the social environment?

I had expected more resistance and I have a good excuse. Because I’ve blogged about my Experiment, I can blame it all on the star. But that was not necessary. Only a few anonymous readers interested suddenly, what I eat, and thought to have to explain to me, how stupid I was. That strangers, will be interested in what you eat, I found not only strange, but even a little scary.

that’s Why vegan is the perfect diet for our time

is The Problem of our society that we eat too much meat and fish. The oceans are depleted or run out of fish and meat is too cheap. I think vegan is the right diet for our time. You can’t remove it from our environment and also not so easy in other circumstances to transfer. There are many regions on the planet, since a vegan diet would be unthinkable. We live in Europe, but in a richness of food, of a quality and diversity that it is easy for us to refrain from eating meat. And it also makes sense.

click here to read the other parts in the series “My perfect diet”:

part 1: Why this woman waives sugar

part 2: Why vegan is the perfect diet

part 3: Why this woman is not only vegan, but even raw vegan eats

part 4: Why Paleo is the way to Start a optimum nutrition

part 5: Clean Eating is the cool way to eat healthy for life

“My perfect diet”, part 6 Intuitive – why this woman makes no more diets

designer Melanie Schaible had a nose full of diets. She didn’t want to have to think about what should you eat and what is not. A book opened her eyes. Since then, she eats intuitively – without dieting, without waiver.

By Denise Snieguole Wachter