According to recent studies, 60 % of the German population complain almost about excess pounds, the majority among them has at least a diet.

Google search for “list of diets” brings immediately to 100 well-known diet methods to light. How can it be in view of the large supply, however, it is only the least diminishing manage to agree to reduce your weight permanently? This question has taken on Christopher Mathiessen, founder of the successful company vital body plus.

“The more important it is to be able to a diet to clear structures and competent assistance”

“most diets don’t keep their promises. Many methods involve the risk to suffer from nutrient deficiencies, which do not go to the expense of health, if the Hunger continues the attempt beforehand to an abrupt end. Without a thought-through change in Diet, no long-term successes are also already at least to be expected. How does the saying go: Nothing changes, except I to change me . Add to this the psychological aspect of it: Who makes the first time a negative experience, quickly loses Faith in it at all, and fails for this reason. Even more important is to be able to during a diet to clear structures and competent assistance,“ says the young entrepreneur, who brought a few years ago, even too much on the scale, and therefore from experience.

impressions: The vital body plus exchange rate