Very long your life will last. Two years you need to grow and to deliver the finest meat. However, these two years should be a beautiful life. This has at least made contact with Bauer, Christoph Lehmann.

His more than 400 Uckermärker cows and calves to grow, without Stress, without pressure, without the darkness of the Barn. Lehmann’s cattle graze almost always on pasture, in Winter, forest edges and piled up straw to offer some protection against rain and cold. The calves are six to eight months with their mother and drink. A milking machine in mountain village a long time ago. If Christoph Lehmann rumbles with his Ford Ranger out on the Meadow, honks and whistles, then the herd is trappelnd in motion, the insistence, particularly dare to Brave the terrain, drooling, mooing. “The animals love the car, because we will lead you to the fresh pastures,” says Bauer, Lehmann. “You know that you have little to fear from us little Stress.”


took over As the Lehmann ten years ago, the largest operation in the mountain village in the district of upper Havel, he was 28 years old and had completed his studies at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. Suddenly, he was: head of a former LPG. 850 hectares of pastures and arable land. Long stables of grey concrete for fattening pigs and dairy cows, profitability: moderate.

All wanted to challenge Lehmann, from the grocery store a special operation for high-quality beef and feed. Dairy cows to get rid of. Meat directly to market. Colleagues declared him mad. In order for Peanuts to be to earn. But today, Christoph Lehmann is able to sell the meat of his noted cattle, 30 to 40 percent more expensive than in the supermarket. He delivers directly from the farm and a regional order portal: hearty Salami, delicate rolls and goulash, sirloin, fillet and liver. A third goes to the final consumer, and the Rest to restaurateurs in Berlin and Brandenburg. “There are now more consumers are willing to pay more for meat from a good posture for more money,” said Lehmann. A Organic label, it does not. But as Conventional, it acts with its grazing goats as a revolutionary in a market that is relentlessly fixed price.


It is served a Steak, topped with Chili, pepper, rosemary. Delicious and nutritious. Meat contains essential minerals

©Dieter Heinemann/F1online

The Germans are passionate meat-eaters: Proud 60 pounds of pork, beef and chicken in this country are consumed on average per capita per year. One reason for this is the special taste of meat, and the delicious toasty aromas, for example, which occur during Frying, Braising or grilling, and are increased by fat is safe. Also, the savory “Umami”flavor, the meat, the naturally occurring glutamate, which many feel as a seduction, you want to be able neither to resist nor. The human tongue is making this even has its own taste receptors. The special receptivity for meat has also aided the people in evolutionary biology, apparently. The food psychologist Christoph Klotter says: “The human brain is probably also due to the consumption of meat as big. We can use meat as well, because the animal proteins are our own much more similar than the plant.”

A privilege of the Powerful

In the history of mankind was the meat, however, was often a scarce commodity, its consumption is a privilege of the Rich and Powerful. Even the pig was regarded as a luxury, large animals are slaughtered only in case of emergency. The ox had to pull the plow. And the hunting was reserved for the nobility.

Today, everyone is a king. At least as a customer in the supermarket, and discounters, where you can buy the meat at very low prices. The Kilo Hack six euros, half a chicken for under three. Possible of such mass consumption is only due to reckless industrialization of meat production. The majority of pigs for fattening spends his life on slatted floors, nervous broiler chickens scurry by the Thousands by huge stables. Almost half of the German beef production comes from fattening bulls, also from tethers.


Christoph Lehmann breeds cattle of the breed Uckermärker in the Brandenburg mountain village

©Isadora Tast/star

A growing number of consumers, the excesses of such a mass animal husbandry is not opposed to, the is only unethical, but also the environment and the climate exceedingly burdened. Scientists warn a long time ago before the consequences of excessive meat consumption. Like due to the stone-age man eating mammoth of a larger brain, 60 kilos of meat per year today, to no evolutionary advantages. On the contrary, Numerous studies point to the connection between high meat consumption and health risks. Too much burgers, kebabs, burgers make you fat and sick.

But like the pigs of animal husbandry to prevent and the meat? How many cattle can we expect? There are foods that taste just as good but healthier? Who asks such questions, in the meantime, dozens of food movements, specialised food trend products.

For several years, the luxury segment is booming, the business with the noble enjoyment. For specialities from Kobe or Wagyu cattle, which are said to be filled with music and Hand-massaged, numbers, Gourmet, hundreds of euros per Kilo. With ambitious environmental or animal protection, but often little more to do with status symbols. In Japan, Wagyu are fed-cattle often in straps and forced fixed, so that their flesh forms as veins many, fine Fat. The Bulk of the coveted Ibérico ham comes from the Spanish intensive mast instead of from the glowing acorn groves.

Also lenses make guns

In search of enjoyment with a good Conscience, many of them from soft, therefore, organic. In fact, the conditions are far better than the statutory minimum standards: in pigs, the outlet must have, the chicken, between the barn and the Meadow, running back and forth. Associations such as Bioland, Naturland, Demeter or free-country-label like new territory to make their farmers more stringent requirements than the inspectors for the state’s Bio-hexagonal or the green sheet of the EU-Eco-regulation. But also in many organic farms calves are separated from their mother, the mast Vegabet placed in the cattle at times on a chain or strap.

an Estimated 6.3 million Germans is not enough Bio. You eat free, “largely” meat to consistently vegetarian. About a Million Vegans, it does not even completely all animal products including dairy, eggs and honey.


Johanna Jahnke, performance, the athlete from Hamburg, vegan,

©Isadora Tast/star

For Johanna Jahnke is 18 years of life. “With twelve I was Vegetarierin, the classical out of pity for the animals. With 17, a Flyer in the hands, a kind of Starter-Kit came to me with tips for the vegan diet. Since it was clear to me that Vegetarian is not enough, because for the milk production still, calves are being slaughtered.”

Jahnke, networked, searched for recipes and nutrition tips. Especially one she wanted to avoid: the drop in performance. “I was always in competitive sports at home,” she says. Even as a schoolgirl, she played Rugby in new Zealand, then in Sweden and Australia, and later won at FC St. Pauli ten title and flew with the German national team to the world Championships in Barcelona. “Five years ago I started riding a road bike, strength in the legs I had from the Rugby. Friends of mine drove Fixed-race – hard Sprints on a course with tight curves, on a bike with only one gear and without brakes.”

But how can you develop without animal protein so much power? It is the universal building material of the body, without him, there would be neither skin nor heart chambers, neither immune cells nor muscle fibers.

animal suffering avoid

Johanna Jahnke, the question has often heard. “Since my Rugby, I train with Weights. Problems with too little muscle mass I never had. I eat, of course, a lot of vegetable protein: lentils, Cashews, peanuts, Quinoa.” In the morning, before your 100-mile training ride, you eat Breakfast nuts oat porridge with water and sun flowers. For on-the-go, she has rolls or bars in the handlebar bag. In the evening, you and your friend for the children vegan, mostly rice, Quinoa, noodles or potatoes with a vegetable stir-fry or a Curry to cook.

unlike in the past, scientists confirm that success in the Sport, and strict veganism exclude. But even if personalities like Serena Williams, Dirk Nowitzki, or the canadian triathlete Brendan Brazier renounce temporarily or entirely to the flesh, to recommend a Trainer and consultant, diets are rarely the most radical of all the Plants. To thin the data to be able to the efficiency without products from animals. And some nutrients should be Vegan, whether sporty or not, you must replace it, first and foremost, Vitamin B-12. This is especially true for children, Pregnant women and nursing mothers. To will Vitamin D and iron is also often advised.

animal suffering avoided, without sacrificing the Good at the meat – products that offer both, research in the food industry. For years now, to Start-ups in the United States, the Netherlands and Israel, working in the laboratory meat from muscle cell cultures. Meat imitations, the supply of Protein and at least a little bit of the Original recall. In 2013, the pioneer in this field, pharmacologist, Mark Post of the University of Maastricht, the first artificial meat Burger made from beef cells taste. 250,000 euros was given to the development of the meatball devoured. Today is “In vitro”Hack for the mass market of the Burger Patties, in many countries the market is Mature. In Germany, too. The poultry Empire of the PHW group, known by the brand Wiesenhof, participated in the Israeli laboratory Start-up Supermeat.

Other can try some of the meatballs on the Basis of spelt, Quinoa, soy, wheat or peas. In the United States, the first soy delight Burger, the “bloody” served. A mass of potato – and wheat protein, genetically modified yeast mushrooms lend a meaty flavor, red color and an extra dose of iron. Thousands of Restaurants in the United States and Asia, serving burgers already.

a Little silent for the growth of mold and insects of the industry occurs: In the case of Rewe Sliced from the tube a fungus of the genus Fusarium on the shelf, since Recently, also the first insect-Burger is even longer, with a protein blend of soy and mold beetle larva, hip as “Buffalo worm” come along. The animals need per Kilo of Protein is only one-tenth of the feed of cattle and produce less greenhouse gases. Veggie Were 2018 is expected to hit the revenue mark of one billion Euro in Germany.

meat fans are often sports

Beyond animal and climate protection, the question of how healthy the meat is and whether you are vegetarian life better in the end. Undisputed fresh meat delivers a lot of zinc, iron and Vitamin B 12, we can accommodate nearly just about animal products. Also as a compact source of Protein, it is almost unbeatable. The German society for nutrition recommends 0.8 grams of Protein per day and Kilo of body mass. A 70-pound woman needed 56 grams of a 80-Kilo man 64. He would have to eat 300 grams of beef steak, the woman 250–, or 11 to 13 tablespoon of soy meal to sprinkle on the meals.

However, animal protein seems to be also disadvantages: It is metabolized quickly, because it is the human simply a similar. But it is the biological “garbage disposal clog” of our cells to dispose of harmful products of metabolism, which can lead to early cell death and premature tissue aging.

Saturated fatty acids in meats and meat also increase the unfavourable LDL-cholesterol and are still seen as a risk for the heart. In observations on humans showed that a lot of meat shortens life. Overview does not work to point to the fact that sausages, but also “red” meat of bovine, pig or sheep can increase the risk for colon or stomach cancer, and poultry.

Bratwurst and schnitzel-eaters also on average less likely to exercise and weigh more than a plant diet. Probably, therefore, eating meat increases the risk of diabetes: “The most important risk factor for type 2 Diabetes is the weight,” says Michael Roden, the Director of the German Diabetes center in Düsseldorf. “And we know that meat consumption is a Marker of obesity and an overall unhealthy lifestyle. However, some epidemiological studies have also shown independent of the Body Mass Index, the risk for Diabetes can be less if you live as a vegetarian.”

600 grams per week

it could also lie on the protein: meat contains amino acids such as arginine, but also leucine, Roden. They stimulated the insulin secretion in the Beta cells of the pancreas. It is conceivable that this exhausted itself in the case of meat-eaters earlier. Also in the red meat existing heme iron can influence the effect of insulin.

What happens when comparison groups are put under medical supervision on meat or plant diet, has been studied only little. An analysis of 29 clinical studies came in 2016, after all, to the result that meat-eaters have more inflammatory substances in the blood. “We have seen that a shift to plant-based nutrition, in particular, the value for the so-called c-reactive Protein decrease,” explains Fabian Eichelmann from the German Institute for nutrition research. “This is relevant, because the risk for colon cancer or heart disease to take off schunites.”

Completely on meat, you must waive out of health reasons, has to restrict sense. The German society for nutrition recommends 300 to 600 grams per week – a figure that is respected by women in, for example, men with more than 1000 grams.

‘d Rather not on a daily basis

In the case of the farmer Christoph Lehmann meat is about three times per week on the dining plan. “With my parents, the pigs were slaughtered at home, meat played a large role in the kitchen. Still, I think today, rather not every day, but not a cheap product to unclear conditions.” His young cattle have to travel to the end of her life a maximum of 30 minutes to the slaughterhouse. Would be allowed eight hours, with breaks, even day-long trips are permitted. In mountain village you want to save the animals now for the last half hour. Behind Lehmann’s office, the Foundation stone for a small slaughter house. From 2019, the cattle are slaughtered on the farm. “There are always farm animals. We want to eat. But until then, you should have it as good as possible.”