The government is committed to pave the way for these insecticides to growers of beets. Corn producers hope for the same treatment.

They ask for equality. The corn producers want to benefit from a derogation for use of the pesticide neonicotinoids, they say this Friday, in the wake of the government’s commitment to pave the way for these insecticides to growers of beets.

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The department of Agriculture on Thursday announced its intention to authorize farmers to use as soon as 2021, “under conditions strictly supervised”, and in 2023 a maximum of beet seed coated with neonicotinoids. These insecticides that attack the nervous system of insects, and therefore, pollinators such as bees, were banned from all-purpose plant in September 2018.

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The planters of beets had claimed to be able to use them to attack green aphids, vectors of viruses of jaundice which collapse yields this year. “The maïsiculture is also in a situation of total dead-end to fight the flies,” maintains in a press release the union of corn producers in AGPM, specialized branch of the FNSEA.

“The alternatives are not satisfactory,”

“A resurgence of these pests would have dramatic consequences for producers and livestock producers that rely on corn fodder to feed their animals,” says the AGPM, requesting that “the way derogatory for the access to effective solutions” is also “open to the cultivation of corn”.

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“The campaign of 2016 has been marked by violent attacks of flies (flies off, oscinies, géomyzes), which had caused enormous damage to more than 40% of the area of brittany with plots completely devastated. And for the insect, the prime pest of corn, the alternatives are not satisfactory,” says the AGPM. “The ban early insecticides neonicotinoids without any real alternative solution is a madness”, argues the organisation.