Who is in Chile through the supermarket, sees in the truest sense of the word black. They are octagonal in shape and to overlook: The black warning icons on unhealthy foods. You emblazoned on the front of several packages and warn of high amounts of sugar, salt, calories or saturated fat.

“to Me, the symbols make a bad Conscience,” says Camila Gajardo. If she goes shopping, looks for the 24-Year-old according to the products without Labels, she says. However, not all Chileans: the new health campaign to impress. “For me, the warning signs are completely not matter”, says Miguel Toledo. The 31-year-old man from Santiago makes his Obesity, no secret. He was already as a little Boy dick, just like his parents and siblings.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, nearly 60 percent of the population is obese. Economic growth, increasing urbanization and higher average income are some of the reasons for this. Leaders are the Bahamas (69 percent), Mexico (64 percent) and Chile (63 percent), such as a report of the pan-American occupied niches health organization. Also in front of the youth, the Trend does not Stop. 44.5 per cent of all children in Chile according to the OECD, overweight. To the South exceeds that of American country even the long-time leader USA (39.9 percent). In Mexico, 35 percent.

obesity can make you sick

It is a development with serious consequences. Obesity and Overweight increase the risk for Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Childhood obesity can cause both physical and psycho-social damage. Eating disorders, depression, and low self-esteem are potential consequences. Obesity is also a cost factor. The Mexican Ministry of health estimates that in 2017 the costs incurred by a result of disease to the equivalent of 10.4 billion Euro.

danger in the bacon belly is the reason why fat people get ill more likely to cancer

The reactions to the alarming Figures are different. There is hardly a country, however, reacted as radical as Chile. The Ministry of health had concluded in June 2016, the emergency brake, and far-reaching reforms initiated. The black Symbols on unhealthy foods are a result. They act like stop signs, especially on children, says Ex-health Minister Carmen Castillo. She had been involved in their term of office under the socialist President Michelle Bachelet significantly to the enforcement.

in addition to the labelling, advertising and sale bans have been adopted. The selected products may no longer be on Chilean school yards sold. During the day advertising for these foods is banned in television, Radio and cinema. In addition, packaging and advertising may Casino Siteleri not be aimed specifically at children under the age of 14.

the new regulations, a number of manufacturers were affected. Companies like Kellogg’s had to remove boxes of cartoon characters of their Cereal, the children-kinder Surprise banned completely from the shelves. Even McDonald’s had to adapt his famous Happy Meal in stores in Chile. Many companies and food associations criticized the course of Chile, Ferrero moved even before the court – but without success.

of Each of the second Mexican child threatens to succumb to Diabetes

Mexico is located of such measures. Although the Ministry of health, Obesity and Diabetes in 2016, explain to the epidemiological emergency. Each of the second Mexican child runs the risk of developing Diabetes. Nevertheless, the small stalls gather with the shiny, colorful packaging, preferably directly in front of the school gates. Lollipops, chocolate bars and chip packs are being marketed here in addition to toys and collecting images directly to the young target group.

people disease Obesity Less fat, sugar, salt: citizens to eat healthier, dpa,

, According to the Mexican non-governmental organization for consumer protection, “El Poder del Consumidor” there was a lack of mandatory measures, especially in school Lunches. There, well-intentioned policies, which are not or only insufficiently be implemented in practice but either. From the point of view of the organization, the guidelines need to be mandatory at last.

as of 2016, as in Mexico, a ten percent tax on sugary drinks was proposed. As a result, the consumption of soft drinks fell by 6.3 per cent, at the same time, water consumption increased by almost 13 percent, nutrition scientists declared last year in the journal “The Journal of Nutrition”.

sugar tax? Not in Germany

In Germany, you want to know of such a tax on Sugar and 13.7 percent of the girls and 17.6 per cent of boys engage, though, according to a study by the Robert Koch Institute from the beginning of this year, one to three Times a day to sugar-containing soft drinks. The Federal food Minister, Julia Klöckner (CDU) relies rather on a voluntary basis.

Instead of a sugar tax Klöckner presented in mid-October an agreement in principle with business associations. The food industry is obliged to reduce from 2019, the content of sugar, fat and salt in ready meals. The world health organization (WHO), as well as the professional Association of child and youth doctors warn since years that the commitments are too little.

In Chile have shown the new laws already in effect. Already before the entry into force of the act, 20 per cent of the manufacturers would have reduced the amount of salt, sugar, fat and calories, says Ex-health Minister Castillo. “A fantastic reaction.” Have not removed the Chileans, however. “It is very difficult to implement healthy habits,” says Castillo. It would be premature to draw after such a short period of time a balance sheet. Nevertheless, Chile has become a model for other countries.

Katharina Meyer / Antonia March houses / ikr / DPA