After a sumptuous meal or a night overtakes us quickly: the bad Conscience and the feeling of having more on one’s health. Who wants to and his body to do something Good, you’ll end up in the so-called Detox or detoxification treatments. Detox is the short form for the word detoxification, and means as much as detoxification. The teas and capsules are designed to promote the well-being of the body cleanse and detoxify. But what is meant by “slags” at all? A detox is at all useful? And resources are recommended?

of Course detoxify – the tale of the slag E. v. Hirschhausen: Sprechstunde tips about interval fasting – so you can keep it!

An unhealthy lifestyle and a poor diet leave residue in the body – that is the Belief by some alternative practitioners. These residues are also referred to as a slag and to accumulate in the intestine and liver. Here Detox products coming into the game: you should cleanse the body from the inside, and alleged toxin accumulation recovery.

school physicians doubt the existence of toxins in the body. In fact, the existence of these deposits is not proven to purify the body, therefore, is necessary. This is also the view of the German nutrition society (DGE) announces: “In a healthy body there is no accumulation of toxins and deposition of metabolic products. Non-recyclable materials are excreted through the intestine and the kidney.”

the Potential health risks of Detox products

Detox products often contain multiple ingredients, including healing earth, juniper berries, nettle, mint, alleged Superfoods such as Goji berries and extracts from fruit or vegetables. The effect of these products is not supported according to the consumer studies: “For the statement that Taraftarium ‘Detox products, detoxify the body, lacks any scientific basis,” write the consumer advocate. “Providers will use the term ‘detoxification’ in fact, rather than a mesh of Advertising.” The products are in their effectiveness as questionable as advertised Detox diets, “but relatively expensive”.

Also, side effects can occur accordingly. The reason is that Certain ingredients can have a dehydrating effect and excessive consumption, the body mineral excretes substances such as sodium and potassium. With prolonged use this may lead to disturbance of the electrolyte household. Also Detox-products on zeolite-based are not recommended. Zeolites are crystals that are stuck in volcanic rock, but can also be artificially produced. You are supposed to bind to heavy metals, but can intercept also mineral substances from food. In the long term under-supply of the vital substances threatens.

Detox products may also enter into interactions with drugs. Sometimes, the drugs no longer work. Especially elderly patients or chronically Ill should speak with your doctor or pharmacist about possible unwanted effects of the Detox products.

As a health and looks conscious diet?

Who wants to do his body some Good, you should not rely on the effect of supposedly detoxifying products. Instead, it makes sense to eat a healthy diet and to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and fiber from whole grains, and legumes. Enough to Drink, the best water and unsweetened teas. Alcohol should either be entirely omitted or but only in moderation be drank.

The reason for this is obvious: A balanced diet contributes to the fact that our natural detoxification system can smoothly work, consisting of liver, kidney and gastro-intestinal tract. This works usually without problems – without Intervention of expensive remedies, capsules and teas.
