Even 32 years after the Chernobyl accident, may be the Federal office for radiation protection (BfS) no all-clear in the case of wild mushrooms. The measurement results of two recent Reports demonstrate. Accordingly, some wild mushrooms are charged in some regions of Bavaria still highly radioactive. “Brown scheibige and Orangefalbe schneckl Inge or Reddish brown bread stubble fungi can have up to a few 1000 becquerels (Bq) of cesium-137 per kilogram of fresh mass,” – said in a message of the Federal. In the case of some wild mushroom species, more than three decades, can be given after the Chernobyl accident is still not clear. Our measurement results show that the level of radioactive contamination of this fungus species in contrast to other foodstuffs is still very high,“ says BfS President Inge Paulini. Because of its half-life of approximately 30 years, from the Chernobyl-accident-derived cesium-137 have decayed so far, only about half of it.

forests and mushrooms in the meadows in the autumn – the Pashagaming season of 2018

mushrooms are collect in the autumn, a Hobby of many Gourmets. For the current season, there are now forecasts. The mushroom Apps are a good help? Experts have a clear opinion on this.

DPA Some areas of Bavaria, particularly

“The highest levels of cesium-137 in wild mushrooms in more contaminated smaller areas in the Bavarian forest, to be found in the Donau Moos, southwest of Ingolstadt, and in the Region of the middle of the forest,” says the Federal office. One reason why there, of all places, the concentration of the Chernobyl cesium is so high, lying at the texture of the soil. Forest soils differ from agricultural soils. The values of cesium-137 in agricultural products are currently in Germany in the area of only a few becquerels per kilogram and below. In Germany, to be taken with food from agricultural production in the Mediterranean, less than 100 becquerels of radioactive caesium per Person and year. The values of cesium-137 in agricultural products are currently in Germany in the area of only a few becquerels per kilogram and below. In Germany, to be taken with food from agricultural production in the Mediterranean, less than 100 becquerels of radioactive caesium per Person and year.
