Up to the middle of the century will be living on our planet for nine billion people. How will the all full? If we are not cutting down more forests and agriculture, industrialize one of the main factors for climate change–. In 2050, we will need 50 percent more food. At the same time, we resources, and soils must conserve, in order to bring in more income. “It must do something to be able to the population of the world is sufficient to feed,” says Tilman Grune, the scientific Board of the German Institute for nutrition research. “There are a lot of approaches to avoid food losses, to breed new varieties and to develop new food sources.”

Above all, we need new protein supplier, Green. Industrial animal production is for the environment, increasingly unacceptable. You caused 14 to 18 percent of total human-made greenhouse gas emissions. For beef from the Mast about eight times as much water and 160 are in the cut-times as much Land per calorie as vegetables or cereals. No wonder the UN is urging to eat less beef. The first food companies to take care of.

a Tasty Burger, but not a real meat alternative, meat from live animals: Would you like this Chicken Nuggets to eat? By Denise Snieguole Wachter

To the innovations of the “Beyond burgers”: a Burger Patty made from pea protein, which is pink by the Beetroot like beef. It is sold in the USA in about 10,000 grocery shops and many Restaurants – also a German meat company has announced plans to take over the distribution. The strongest competitor is the “Impossible Burger”, a potato – and wheat based-made Burger Patty: thanks to the plant derived Protein heme (of hemoglobin) can he bleed even.

In the United States and the Netherlands, companies rely on real meat – no animals need to die. The industry compares the procedure for so-called In-vitro meat, mostly minced, with a brewery – only that, in huge vats, not of grain to Ferment, but synthetic animal cells are bred. In the United States is also a market for edible insects – not so much as roasted Betxlarge Snacks, such as in Thailand and Mexico, but as animal feed or ingredient in food processing. With the ecological advantage that insects thrive in dark and Narrow conditions that allow industrial-scale production, but with low resource consumption.

unlike the large pig and cattle farms with manure basin insects, produce relatively little residue and waste. Grill contain more proteins and trace elements than beef. The largest barbecue farm is in Texas and sells mainly barbecue powder for bakery products, energy bars, and Smoothies will be used. Their entire production for the next two years is already sold. In Germany, insects are allowed to be sold only in Whole, for human consumption; processed insects can be so far only as animal feed in aquaculture. However, the Federal ministries for the environment and food are currently examining alternative sources of protein. It is probably only a matter of time until processed insects as food are approved – as in the Netherlands and Switzerland.

grease from algae Fullscreen

read more on the topic of the “future of food” and more exciting story in the current November issue of National Geographic

The person needs not only Protein, but also fat. Scientists harvested therefore algae from the juice of the Ordinary horse chestnut. The algae were genetically modified so that they produce large quantities of Oil, if you feed it with Brazilian sugar cane. The Oil is neutral in taste, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and has a high smoke point. It is intended to provide an Alternative to palm oil, for which the plan must soft days often rain forest and its inhabitants. The manufacturer assure to use only sustainable sugar cane and to get out of your method to higher Oil yields.

Others worry about the quality of the soil: researchers are trying since the eighties, to develop a multi-year grain as a replacement for varieties, such as wheat and Corn. Because grown every year, robbing the soil of nutrients, exacerbate Erosion, and need more fertilizer. In the United States was bred from a wild grass in a new way, with richer yields, larger seeds, and higher resistance power against diseases. From this so-called Kernza, a sophisticated New York bakery bakes bread; a brewery in Portland produces Pale Ale.

In 50 years could look like our meals so very different than it is today. In any case, the climate will force us to change, it is better to use what the Planet offers us, says the author, and global food expert Raj Patel. “Slowly, we realize that What was considered a weed and a pest, can turn out to be food.”

translated from the English by Bettina Abarbanell