In the case of the lunar Eclipse in January 2019 it is to see a blood moon. Where can you watch him and at what time? Here are the answers.

Munich – What was a spectacle at the end of July last year. The huge blood moon attracted many to the streets, balconies, or at least to the window. Whether with a professional telescope or with the naked eye – the total Eclipse of the moon, fascinated. The good news: On Monday, 21. January 2019, in the Morning it is that time again. And it will be the last total lunar Eclipse for many years.

The last

total Eclipse of the moon many people in its spell.

moved the end of July 2018 in Germany . Already a few months earlier, you could marvel in the Federal Republic, a rare



In the Following, we have summarized all of the info on the total lunar Eclipse in January 2019 for you: when can you see the blood moon in Germany, where you can see him best and how the weather is?

Eclipse of the moon in 2019: when is night of the blood moon?

On the Morning of 21. January 4.43 PM the moon begins to darken. As of 5.41 PM the total lunar Eclipse begins. The moon will turn blood red. For over an hour, it takes (up to 6.44 PM), until the moon from the earth’s shadow exit. The full moon position is achieved by 6.16 PM in the constellation of cancer . Shortly before sunrise, the spectacle is over – 7.51 PM. Thus, the visible part of the cosmic shadow game is about to end. The full moon is setting in the North-West.

Eclipse of the moon in January 2019: Where can I see tonight the blood moon?

to see The total lunar Eclipse is in the whole of Germany in full length. Just as in Switzerland and in Western Austria. Who wants to watch the spectacle, you should pick a location that gives the view to the West/North-West. Particularly suitable for places where there is little artificial light is in the vicinity.

How is the weather during the lunar Eclipse in January 2019?

The weather Outlook for this coming Monday anyway. Meteorologists expect in many Parts of Germany in freezing temperatures with a mostly clear or only slightly cloudy sky. Only in the North and in the foothills of the Alps, clouds could cover the “blood moon” Verde, reported the German weather service (DWD) on Sunday.

How a total lunar Eclipse occurs?

a lunar Eclipse occurs the moon is in the so-called core shadow that the sun-illuminated earth. The core shadow covered the entire visible surface of the moon. The sun, moon and earth are exactly in line.

Why turns the moon red blood moon?

The intense red coloration of the moon is created by sunlight that is refracted in the earth’s atmosphere, and so scattered, that only the red light components arrive at the moon.

The power of this blood moon to the super moon

The celestial body is not only blood-red colored but also super great work. This is because the moon at the time of the event in its sewing Position to earth, called perigee.

To the lunar Eclipse in January, 2019: The next phenomena in the Sky

In the night from 16. 17. July 2019 is the occurrence of a partial lunar Eclipse, which will be from Germany, is observable.

On the next total Eclipse of the moon that we can observe in Germany, Astro-Fans of the three-year wait. Only at 16. In may of 2022, the next blood moon. Who wants to ask for something that should be between the age of 16. and 25. April 2019 the view of the sky. The Lyrids appear as shooting stars in the night sky that there was to see already in 2018. To see the best of the night from the 22. on the 23. April.

fancy a trip to South America? The would the 2. July 2019 around. Then that is to be seen in Parts of Chile and South America a rare total Eclipse of the sun. The phenomenon existed in Germany, most recently in 1999, the next only 3. September 2081.

Not only the lunar Eclipse is spectacular! Also a partial Eclipse of the sun is well worth seeing. These were last updated from the 5. on the 6. January 2019.
