Olivier Veran has authorized this morning the prefects to issue orders forcing them to wear the mask in public places that are open.
The prefecture has announced on Friday that wearing a mask will be mandatory as early as Sunday at midnight in some sectors of the metropolis of Lille.
in the Face of the deterioration of the indices related to the pandemic Covid-19 in France, the minister of Health has authorised this Friday the prefects to make orders to extend the port of the mask to the public places that are open.
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“To limit the movement of the Covid-19, the prefects will now be able by order to extend the obligation of wearing a mask in public places that are open. This decision may be made locally, depending on the evolution of the epidemic in each jurisdiction,” wrote Olivier Véran on Twitter.
The goal of the measures taken in the MEL is “to impose not reconfiner” said the prefect of the North Michel Lalande during a joint press conference with the ARS Hauts-de-France, whose director Stephen Champion has reported a number of “indicators” demonstrating a “resurgence” of the epidemic of Covid-19 in the metropolis, which has 1.2 million inhabitants.
“Valid for one month” and “extendable”
The prefectural decree will be “valid for one month” and “renewable”. Any infraction will be punished by a fine of 135 euros. It was to be applied inside a number of areas”, such as “pedestrian zones, permanent or temporary”, “the areas where traffic is limited to 20 km/h”, “those which are characterized by a very high attendance of the public,” as some of the shopping streets of Lille that he has mentioned, or even “all urban green spaces, including the edges of waterways.” “We pass the suggestion insistent to the taxation imperative,” a summary of the prefect.
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The director of the ARS was detailed by the indicators revealing a rise of the epidemic on the mainland, where “the incidence rate stood at 31 per 100 000 inhabitants, whereas it was 17 the previous week.” In the “heart of the city” this rate is the same “around 40, even closer to the warning threshold”, set at 50.
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“Covid-19”, the new coronavirus
The State will continue to support Air France “without any ambiguity,” says Pannier-Runacher France, Germany, Italy… The Covid-19 is to enter Europe in recession Covid-19 : the prefects allowed to extend the port of the mask to public places, open
An increase of these indicators has also been measured over the whole department of the North, which is classified in the category of so-called “vulnerability moderate”, but in a smaller proportion.