For a year the General post service compares its data with those of the local residents ‘ registration offices. So broadcasting contribution Objectors are to be unmasked.

This announcement has had in this country already caused a lot of Furore: The General service Contribution compares since may of 2018, his data, he has collected about contributors, with those of the Federal population-wide registration offices, to possible Radio speech-expose objectors.

Right? Post service compensates for a year of data from contributors

This will be sent to him according to the West German General newspaper, in order to compare it with the own contribution account balance deduction. The aim is to check whether all the contributory German households pay the licence fee. Anyone who is not registered as in the case of the former “GEZ”, then asked sharply to the checkout.

“people can be no contribution to the account associated with it, must expect, when you post a service as payment objectors to fly up and to be used for any additional payments,” says Kathrin Körber, a legal consultant for questions of the broadcasting contribution to the consumers ‘ Association of lower Saxony.

Supposedly, this practice was also right, after all, the law of the States already in December, 2015 , has been adopted, it means more. It is, after all, that is still 200,000 in contribution to the absence of liable dwellings in the Register.

Why you should Write by post service, it is better not to ignore

receive This after the determination of Post to the respective land broadcasting institution. In the Letter, the the receiver, to be accountable and to provide the necessary information . Therefore, it is advisable not to ignore such a Letter, but to answer it as soon as possible. Especially if you are aware of the “no guilt” – for example, if you were classified as socially weak or in a WG’s life, in the already have a Person as the main contributors is reported.

Who to Write to know, however, knowingly not followed, serious consequences could be threatened. On the Homepage of the General contribution of services is that this log on automatically retroactively to the move-in date, which is recorded in the residents ‘ registration office, . The result: a hefty Surcharge that has been washed. Allegedly, even when the feeder is months to years. But is it really or does not apply here, the limitation period? Finally, this is in accordance with the standards of the broadcasting state Treaty § 4 Abs. 4 in accordance with the rules of the regular Statute of limitations in the German civil code.

This means, according to §§ 195, 199 BGB is a limitation period of usually three years , where the period of limitation begins only at the end of the year in which the claim arose.

your opinion counts!

also read : there will soon be reforms in the broadcasting contribution fee? This is the bold Plan from critics.

read the case*: ARD-in-chief Wilhelm about the licence fee and the “Framing Manual”


broadcasting contribution by 2018: Everything there is to know about height, Relocation and liberation