More than three million Irish people are to give today prompted your voice. Since seven o’clock local time have the choice to open a local. In addition to the presidential election, when the Irish between six candidates can choose the blasphemy Clause from the Irish Constitution to a vote.

blasphemy is still punishable

of The Paragraph, of blasphemy, under penalty, reads as follows: “The publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious, or indecent content are Offences to be punished according to the law.” This Paragraph was confirmed in 1937, in a constitutional referendum by the people. The “Irish Times” reported that since the year 1703, no successful lawsuit because Princessbet of the blasphemy law. In the years 1855 and 1995, there have been accusations, but they seem to have been dropped, the newspaper said.

66 percent of the Irish vote for the end of the abortion ban, AFP

prior to breeding, Although there was for over 315 years, not a condemnation of blasphemy, saw the so-called defamation act 1961 maximum penalties of seven years for blasphemous libel, or two years ‘ imprisonment and a fine of 500 pounds, so the “Times”. Because the Paragraph is outdated and obsolete, should this be with the Referendum abolished.

Around 22 o’clock local time, the election close and local, the counting of votes begins, according to the broadcaster, RTÉ nine o’clock the next day. Already in the evening, RTÉ will bring an Exit-Poll forecast, with the first Numbers out.
