A woman has bought jointly with her father at Ikea. Its happened to a stupid mishap that brought then into prison.

Strasbourg – Just at the weekend, Ikea can be a real test of patience: Ikea customers have to on Saturdays, with crowded stores and long wait, expect queues at the tills. In order to circumvent the latter, many customers use the self-scan checkouts.

So, too, a French woman, bought in Strasbourg in the beginning of October, with her father in the Swedish furniture group. This decision brought the young woman and her father to prison, like the French in many of the Tweets reported on her Twitter Account “thepeacefulriot”.

This error can you was wanted at Ikea in jail

After the woman called Emilie at the self-scan cashier had scanned their stuff – among other things, four storage boxes and leave the shop, you by a security man stopped. He accused you and your father, to have a theft committed.

The boxes were to become her undoing, as she writes on Twitter: “Well, I’ll tell you now, as I was taken because of Tupperware from Ikea in police custody.”

Ikea: women’s Boxing scans incorrectly and needs to in jail

Because the storage boxes and the lid were with a bar code. Emilie, however, had scanned only the boxes – Accidentally, she says. But the guard saw it differently. He called the store Manager, claimed that Emilie and her father sign a document confirming the theft. But the accused refused.

errors in the case of Ikea: the daughter and the father for 24 hours recorded

And in fact, were the Ikea employees Seriously: you let the alleged thief-Duo dissipate and a police station, where it is the next 24 hours had to spend. The accusation was “tape light from the theft.” However, an officer realized the faux pas and informed the examining judge, who had both finally free.

apology from Ikea – with a side swipe

Finally, Ikea announced himself on Twitter and apologized and did not pull back the display to taunt, however, without: “We prefer always to dialogue and deeply regret this Situation.” The but wanted to let Emilie. She thanked that Ikea has admitted the error, said: “The ad has been pulled back (as far as I know), on Monday evening, as we were already found innocent. If you would really prefer the Dialog, then it would not have given my Tweets.“

also read: beware of this message! Ikea-customer panic and call the police

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