So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expense

“When God closes a door, he opens a window somewhere”, called it in the “The Sound of Music” . So it is with pandemics. Every tragedy has an end and every end is also the beginning of something else – probably something not quite so tragic. Therefore, we can choose to see the positive view of the historical situation we are in. Indeed, we have no choice. It is time to look forward and see what we can learn from the story. The who do not learn from history, is doomed to repeat it, and had to stay indoors for two months.

Now we see that people, even if they must disinfect their hands and sit at a good distance from each other, again flow to the hairdressers and cinemas. Small children flock to the kindergartens. We notice all of that it was high time to open up the community again, unless it was too early.

– Finally out of prison Comment

There is time to thank. We all clapped for health care workers, but we would like to thank like again. We would like to thank everyone who has been working in the health and cleaning and the transportation and wholesale and retail trade. We would like to thank all who have kept themselves inside. We would like to thank everyone who went out, but not walked three in width. We have all done what we could to keep the community going, by coughing of the old, and the sweat of strangers, especially in the b vaccination programs.

Now we have set which tasks are most critical to keep the wheels in motion, and as thus should be valued higher. They deserve not only applause, but also higher status and, not least, salary. They just have to not be so highly paid that gifted people who could use their skills to create jobs for others, content themselves with doing work that does not create jobs. It is a sad game of jobs. We need to support the most people, but not thus cease to support the business sector, especially in the eksportnæringene, those that produce goods we can sell abroad, and thus get back money that we don’t have the pressure even. The low oil prices must not be a klamp about the foot, but a nudge in the back. Therefore, it is crucial that we increase oil production so that we can finance the transition to renewable energy, CO2 capture and cars that runs on hydrogen. Maybe it’s time for aircraft powered by wind energy. We already have both the turbines and the wind.

Now, we the disease behind us and embarking on a fresh. When must the medical to the opinions, of course, come first. We must listen to the experts, but at the same time make sure that the decisions that apply to us all, are taken by elected politicians. In return the politicians take heed to the voice of the people. If we are to be able to keep the virus down, is it absolutely necessary to take into account what most people think, feel and imagine. This requires in turn that we respect epidemiologene. Only in this way can smitteverntiltakene be professionally justified. Only in this way can the community be re-opened in a proper pace. At the same time it must be allowed to ask: Can there be too much academic justification? It is probably medically correct to shut down the community at a time, but when it has been closed for weeks, it must be allowed to ask how long it should be closed.

To deny people to be collected on fotballtribuner and concerts, also has a price. It has an economic price for fotballklubbene and artists. In addition, it has a social price for the public.

One can get sick of loss also. That is why we have the phrase “ill from deprivation”. It is possible to die of the disease, but it is also possible to die of lack of jobs or longing for toppfotball. And it must be possible to say what you think, feel or sense, so long as one is not spreading misinformation or whips up undue fear. It must be allowed to give expression to the concern one has, without immediately being beaten down by bullying or arguments or so-called facts.

Update you on the government’s many humlearter

If there is one things we, as a society, have learned from this, is that we should have had a etterpåklokskapen before. This time it came too late. It is something the whole community must take on his mantle, but most politicians, who have responsibility for both that the measures are being introduced if they are necessary, and, not least, that they are not introduced if they are unnecessary.

What we with certainty can say, now that we reopens, is that if there comes a new smittetopp, it will be difficult to restore the strict measures, unless it is easier, since we now all have learned how important it is to get quickly started with measures that everyone ends up on. Every cloud has a silver ornamental rim , called it in English. In this case, pandemiens dark sky pointed out a way forward towards the light. To parafrasere Nietzsche: that which does not kill us, teaches us to clean your hands.

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