A good slip in the Betper direction of the new year was not just what happened to a Rider and her horse on Sunday afternoon in Taufkirchen.

Taufkirchen – Nevertheless, both a blessing in disguise. Shortly before 15 o’clock, the horse was gone through according to the fire Department for reasons as yet unknown. It galloped at the lance haarer away in a gravel pit. There, however, the animal remained in the deep mud. Alone, it could not break free, the Rider had no Chance to pull your horse out of the mud.

Taufkirchen: change loader, crane moved on

So, you alerted the fire brigade. The forces from Taufkirchen advanced with a removable loader, crane. Thus, they were able to secure the animal and keep lifting out of the pit. Earlier, a veterinarian had calmed the panicked horse with a Sedative.

firefighters rescue horse from slurry pit