I miss my loved ones in Norway. Now I want to go home.

Kirsti Sparboe (73) is at the proper distance, a distance which she thinks is too big. It is far from Oslo to Sjöbo in the countryside in Skåne.

I miss Norway now, have lived in Sweden for 16 years. Now I want to home, home to Norway. But I’m sitting coronafast in Sweden. Can’t visit my family in Oslo, or go on the view. Then I have in quarantine.

– Will not die in Sweden

– I will not die in Sweden, ” she says.

optimistic about life: – Helped when the cancer struck again. Plus,

But it doesn’t sound like it’s a dying lady we have in the other end of the phone:

Here, there is both the commitment, the will and the punch – but also a soreness and scratches that life has inflicted on her. It is three years since her great love in life, Terje Dahl, died.

– Learning to live again

– I had to learn to live again. To live alone. Bob died, it was expected, but still hurt, a strong sorrow. I lost him gradually.

the HUSBAND: Kirsti Sparboe along with her husband Bob Dahl, who died three years ago. The picture is from 2014. Photo: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen Show more

– Terje got Alzheimer’s disease, was ill for some years before he died 81 years old.

As the other families being affected by Alzheimer’s disease, an insidious dementia that slowly pulverize the memories and let the personality go in resolution, have also made their mark on Sparboe.

– A major transition

I nursed him at home for four years, but the last two years was the Bob at the nursing home. It was too demanding to have him at home, but we were together a lot. He knew me again to the last end, but they could take some time.

It is to be completely alone, was overwhelming, far away from her daughter Christine (53) and grandson, Caroline (28) in Oslo.

IDYLL: Kirsti Sparboe on the stairs outside his rural house in Sjöbo in Skåne. Photo: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen Show more

– the Transition was great, suddenly I was alone. We have had dogs, but they are also dead, and I thought that I was too old to get a new dog.

Oscar – “my man”

But then came the Oscar into my life – a dachshund. A dog is social and a good companion.

– You’re still a great woman. In the 60’s, when the world was in black-and-white, there were two women I was in love with, you and Wenche Myhre. So what with a new man?

– Jo thank you for the compliment, ” she says, and adds:

MGP 1969: Kirsti Sparboe won the Eurovision song Contest final with “Oj, oj, oj, so happy I shall be”, here together with songwriter Arne Bendiksen. Photo: Odd Wentzel Show more

I got them I would, and have had my men. No, I’m done with men. Now I have an Oscar is “the man” in my life. We talk, and I understand exactly what he wants and “says”. Every day at noon and we go for a walk in hundeparken, it is important to keep in shape, ” says Sparboe.

Young head – old in the body

She tells us that she lives well, is vital and healthy, keep in shape, read, eat well and be modest with alcohol.

TOGETHER ON the HORSE: the Actors Mari Bjørgan and Kirsti Sparboe on the same stage in Fredrikstad, norway in 1998. Bjørgan died in 2014. Photo: Anders Grønneberg Show more

– I’m not one of those who drinks a lot of wine. I am careful with alcohol.

getting older is a strange and marvelous things to all who are allowed to add many years, days, and hours behind them.

I’m still just young in the head. It is only the body that ages, not the mind. I notice that I move a little slower, otherwise, I am who I always have been.

No celebrity longer

Kirsti Sparboe has been an artist and an entertainer all her life, and is still active after 56 years in the industry. Tromsø-the girl was discovered as a 17 year old. She has released a number of discs, was an actor, appeared on television, along with bl.a. Harald Heide-Steen jr. and Rolv Wesenlund. She also had a great career in several european countries.

VITAL: Kirsti Sparboe in the kitchen in Sjöbo. – Humor and activity is important to stay healthy, ” she says. Photo: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen Show more

She is also the Norwegian artist that has won the Eurovision song Contest the most times: four times she has represented Norway in the european MGP-final.

I feel no longer like a celebrity. Now, it is well only the well-grown generation that know who I am. I get to go in peace, and thrive. When I see realitykjendiser on tv, and seem so pity on them. The life seems so hollow and innholdsløst.

Sell the lead four million

the Farm here in Sjöbo is a so-called skånelenge and called Kringsbygd farm, a beautiful half-timbered house with almost 20 goals blank. It is so idyllic here, but now I long to return to Norway.

– Had almost just accept that men took on tits Dagbladet Plus

It gets lonely for Sparboe in a large house in the skånske the countryside. Also, miss her family and Norway more and more after she became a widow.

– I’m selling the house for all of the four million, ” she says, and adds:

– It is not much, not more than a what a garage costs in Oslo. Had the property been closer to Lund, I had nine million for the house and the large grounds.

It is not the price or the interest it stands on, she adds:

– No, I dare not have a view, will not have strangers in the house. I’m terrified of the corona. I also can’t go to Norway on the view, once I cross the border, do I need to be locked up in quarantine for fourteen days.

Kirsti Sparboe thrive in a private company, and “like to be alone”, as she expresses it. She fears for what the corona pandemic does with us.

Always booze in my pocket

I have asthma and have had cancer four times. I’m certainly at high risk to get sick and die. I have downloaded the Norwegian smitteappen, and relate me to the Norwegian coronareglene.

51 YEARS AGO: Kirsti Sparboe tell that she was attractive among men in the younger days. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

In Sweden are people too the corona loose, she claims.

– I always have a bottle of booze in your pocket, washes me and keeps me away from people when I’m out and go to the store. I’m overforsiktig, is afraid I do not I will survive if I become infected.

– Go in the “graduate”

Death has come closer. Many of her friends and former colleagues are gone. After her husband died, he thought of death in his head.

I have always been spirited, but it is clear I think of death.

GRANDCHILDREN: Kirsti Sparboe has one daughter, here she is along with her only granddaughter, Caroline. Photo: Tor Kvello Show more

– I go in the “graduate” now, therefore, I will spend my last years in Norway.

It is Nesodden which is the first choice, but she excludes not another rural property outside Oslo.

I want me a rødmalt small living room with a view, where I shall spend my last years, ” she says.

it is Hoped that she can get home in the course of the year.

It gets a bit lonely here so far away from the family.

Pluck and humor

She was just as happy as she is stubborn. Kirsti Sparboe have the will, courage and humor. It has been an important driving force in life, not least when it has stormed – and it has been in the limelight. Throughout her adult life she lived in the public eye. Has been married three times.

FOR 60 YEARS AGO: Participants in the Norwegian eurovision song contest in 1960. From left, Anita Thallaug, orchestra leader Kjell Karlsen, Åse kleveland also, Wenche Myhre, Kirsti Sparboe, Grynet Molvig and presenter Johnny Berg (rear). Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

Her second husband was artist Benny Borg, and they worked together for many years on the scenes and on the discs.

I have lived a hectic life, there have been many hotels, airports, and scenes. Now life is quieter, and it is good no longer to be recognized. But now, after that coronaviruset came and changed everyday life and the life of a whole world, I feel that I’m living in a vacuum.

Fearing the future

She thinks the time we are inside now, is strange, odd and weird. She tells us that she is more afraid of what coronaen will do with us when the epidemic is over.

Parts of the society lies with a broken spine, and the global economy limping.

I am anxious for the future. What will it bring? There is so much around us that has been razed. I’m thinking not only of disease and death, but on the rising generations and economic conditions.

Kirsti Sparboe:- I will not die in Sweden, Dagbladet Plus