Who wants to make a difference must act. At the weekend, was in accordance with this Motto, the whole city felt on the legs. Your concern: it’s quite different. The a demonstrate for the quick coal phase-out, the other Diesel-driving bans. And the bees-people’s desire polarized:

The great hype about the bees

It buzzes and hums in the bee house: the commitment of the Munich-based for the petition Save the bees is huge. Already on the first day of the registration period on Thursday, there were 160 000 signatures throughout Bavaria. In Munich it was not on Thursday, according to the municipal statistics 12 372 signatories to a newer number was yesterday until the editorial deadline. It is clear, however: The participation is so great that the Official pushed to their limits. On Saturday afternoon there was also, at the end of the registration time is still long queues at the Marienplatz. Therefore, the organizers of the types of protection demand-desire now: The city should provide more staff and additional rooms in the town hall ready for the onslaught Lord. Enter can 13 to. February. It applies: a Minimum of 950 000 Bayern need to write up to that point, otherwise the start-up has failed. Claus Obermeier, a spokesman for the action Alliance, Munich, believes in the success. The organizers are pleased with the interim balance sheet, there is a but, “really, every vote,” said Obermeier to the tz.

also read:

people’s desire to “Save the bees”: The proponents and opponents

under the stands of the Bavarian farmers ‘ Association with a counter-campaign in the discussion. Richard Mergner, Chairman of the Federal nature conservation showed yesterday, via Twitter, a photo, a überklebtes poster. On the subject of the protection of species-request a paper of the farmers ‘Association emblazoned desire: “‘ no ‘ to the people – stop farmer bashing!”

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Actually Contra were called posters, says spokesman Markus Peters from the Bavarian farmers Association (BBV). It has, however, been no call to boycott the other side, or to paste over the posters. The Poster of the farmers ‘ Association would have the sole purpose to come with the people to talk to. Peters tweeted: “If the Federal the nature conservation responsibility for the species to die alone in Bavaria, farmers seek is not only risky but wrong.” The farmers ‘ Association is not against animal welfare, but against the bill. Because The farmers would have liked more say in the matter. Among other things, they fear The new laws would mean more bureaucracy.

Tina Layes

“get Out of the coal!”

On the Marienplatz, about 300 people gathered on Saturday to exit a rally for the immediate Coal. As previously reported, has informed the coal Commission, after difficult discussions, a compromise, according to which the power plant capacities starting in 2022, gradually to be dismantled, and no later than 2038 expire. Had the Demo, Greenpeace and the local Chapter called the end center in Munich.

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With lots of homemade signs, and Transparent, the protesters have criticized the results of the coal Commission. On the posters, slogans like “Planet over profit”, “Our environment is more important than your money” or “I don’t care if you don’t have coal, excavator read me”. The main demands of the speakers of the phase-out of lignite and coal prior to 2038, and the call for the mobilisation of the population to solidarity with one another against the coal industry and for effective climate protection. While on stage, serious tones were wrong about the climate protection, caused the Band to the climate camp Chiemsee for mood.

Also in Hamburg, Leipzig, Berlin and Bielefeld, thousands of people went on the weekend to the streets to demonstrate for an immediate exit strategy from Coal.

Klaus Vick

are you against driving bans.

The latest readings of the city through the nitrogen oxide pollution are only a few days old. They say that the air in Munich. Lord mayor Dieter Reiter (60, SPD) had then stated that currently there is no need for Diesel-driving bans. Is the topic discussed but still. Because In some cities such as in Stuttgart, have already imposed bans.

+ Around 200 Munich came to the Diesel rally©Sigi Jantz

There were around 1200 people took to the streets to protest against driving restrictions. Also in Munich, around 200 participants came together on Saturday to a Demo on a green strip to the sun road.

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“Every third car in Germany is a Diesel,” said Michael Haberland, President of the automobile club mobile in Germany. The more means as commander-in-chief of the country that many German citizens would be affected by a driving ban. And: “Because many livelihoods depend on it.” Instead of driving bans, the Association calls for “more flow of traffic in German cities”. Mobile in Germany, feels the threat of bans as “pure harassment against the auto drivers,” said Haberland. The arguments of the German environmental help, he rejects categorically.

Among the protesters, also followers of the AfD were therefore a number of other protesters left the event.

J. Kohnle