The home of Covid-19 was born after an evening in a lodge attended by sixty young people. The first case was identified on July 25.

It is a feast to the far-reaching consequences. Home Covid-19 listing “the 25 cases of people contaminated to this day”, mainly young people, has been identified in Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine), said on Monday the regional Agency of health (ARS) of Brittany, confirming information of France Bleu. The first case was identified on July 25 and investigations are still ongoing, according to the same source. According to Le Parisien, the majority of those infected are aged 20 to 25 years.

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This fireplace is born following a party held in a lodge attended by sixty young people, and to “the difficulty of applying the gestures of the barrier in this type of circumstances.” From different geographical areas, mainly in Rennes and the paris region, according to France Bleu, the persons concerned have been invited to be confined for two weeks.

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The painstaking work of tracing people who have been in contact with the participants of this evening is still in progress. “The investigations are ongoing around these confirmed cases to identify contacts at risk from these people and break the chains of transmission,” said ARS with the Parisian.

An increase of cases in young adults

The ARS said “to fear a spread of the virus in their environment and the territory”, since “the analysis of the data collected in the course of contact tracing confirms that these people have a social activity, high and are mobile in this period as” summer. The Ille-et-Vilaine is the department most affected of Britain by the cases of coronavirus. It is also the most populous.

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Whereas France monitors the indicators of the Covid-19 as the milk on the fire, young people are increasingly at the center of questions. The week of 20 to 26 July, the number of new confirmed cases in France has experienced a significant increase of 54 % (5592 total).

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Although “observed in all age classes”, the increase “particularly affects young adults, particularly the 20-30 years”, stressed the health care agency public Health France in his last week. Thus the proportion of positive cases is 19.6 per 100 000 inhabitants in 20-30 years, compared with 9.7 all ages.