The medic looks on the girls like to Play. The little Frieda explored the body of a Teddy bear, and missed him a shot. Reinald Repp sitting next to her in a game room of the hospital Fulda and observed Europe’s youngest premature baby with silent joy. Always a Smile flits over his face. For example, when Frieda pulls a body from the medicine stuffed animal.

What he feels at Friedas sight? The Director of the Fulda clinic for child and adolescent medicine says: “That we may live to see it, met my Team and me with deep gratitude. It borders on a miracle that she is alive and well.” Frieda looks like a normal girl. But her life story is extraordinary.

Frieda weighed less than two packs of Butter

Frieda came in November 2010, as Europe’s youngest premature baby to the world. Statistically, you had a modest chance of Survival. Normal pregnancies last for 40 weeks. But Frieda was already released after 21 weeks and five days. She was 26 inches tall, and weighed 460 grams – less than two packs of Butter. “Until today, there are in Europe, according to the research literature, no younger preemies than Frieda,” confirms Repp. In the US, a child 2014 had come a day earlier to the world.

Such extremely immature children are hardly life – and capable of development. Friedas birth was already considered exceptional. And with a healthy to Grow up the biggest optimists did not expect. But the Little one has mastered the leap into the life. “Frieda’s fine,” said mother Yvonne. “She is a bright and cheerful child, that makes us a lot of joy.”

photos as a Baby and today: We were born as a premature baby Fullscreen

Thomas, who was born in the 29. Week

©Red Methot

at the beginning of November, Frieda celebrated her eighth birthday. “I’ve got a work bench with the proper tools,” she says, “and doll clothes, a school Board, and more.” In the school of Frieda’s since the late summer. “The Pasgol school is fun. I love the sports classes,” she says and turns, a little later, on a climbing frame in the game room of the clinic.

Frieda moves in line skating, skiing in Winter, and rushes on skates over the ice. The seahorses have managed. “For such a small child, she has a lot of power. And a strong will she has,” says the mother.

Frieda has trouble to sit still

Frieda weighs in currently at just under 17 kg and measures 115 cm. “So she is slightly below the normal limit,” says Repp. Great health problems do not admit it, but specifics. In the school it is ready for your trouble, sit still and stay focused, says the mother. However, linguistically, socially, and intellectually, they bring everything, added Repp.

come home When Frieda after school, the food is sometimes a chore, says the mother. “She eats little. For a long time, eating was a chore for you.” With a Hearty you could make your child a joy. “You like to eat Bratwurst with red Cabbage.”

eating, and attention problems are nothing compared to what extremely, Chen premature babies, otherwise there is a threat. Lungs, intestines, brain, and retina can be damaged. It is bleeding in the brain and permanent disability threaten. “But the medicine always makes more progress, and the opportunities for early cells,” says Repp.

forecasts for Frieda to set up, however, is difficult. The society for neonatology and pediatric intensive care medicine, explained, reliable statements about the conditions for school career could not be taken.

Extremely young preemies come in Germany again and again to the world. The little Paulina Emily was in 2011 in Greifswald, in the 23. Week of the pregnancy born with 490 grams and 27 centimeters. In Rostock, a child came in the same year, in the 23. Week 33 centimeters and 650 grams of to the world. In Dortmund, a Baby survived with a birth weight of only 280 grams. And the Klinikum Fulda currently has a boy on the Station, which survived its birth, after 22 weeks, only two days longer pregnancy period than in the case of Frieda.

Friedas brother did not survive, however. Mother Yvonne was pregnant with twins. The small Kilian died six weeks after the birth of heart and bowel problems. Frieda managed to do it, because they had fewer complications in the first, fragile Phase of life, justified by the Repp. His observation with the early start in life: “Not everything is explainable. It’s time-observations are missing in the research. Therefore, much as fate seems to be. In the case of Frieda, it has meant the fate of good.”

Jörn lighting the spark/ikr / DPA