TV-tip that takes you on holiday

– Generates the forestay in the stiff breeze, almost have mastehavari, rig nødstag with spinnakerfallet …

Romandebutant and ferjefører Martin Sellevold (43) holding a teaspoon vertically (“to say that this is the mast”) and tells Dagbladet about everything that can go wrong at sea. It is not small.

– In one year, I was save by the Norwegian society for sea rescue seven times. I have passed on because more times than I care to admit. Engine failure, blown out sails, ryki styrevaier, ended up places I shouldn’t be. I was stranded for almost two months in Haugesund because it was storm. I should not to Haugesund even.

Pur, delicious entertainment Card process

In march sent Sellevold a script to Gyldendal. In July came the “Bikkjevakt” out. Dagbladet reviewer rolled a five on the dice, and already before the book went to press, he had gotten the label “superdebutant” of the imprint.

It is a bit of a strain. They put the list out loud. What I said to them also. I think it hangs together with the fact that the book could be given out without so many changes. It was well that they thought was great.

Utgivelsesprosessen has gone at a furious pace.

– But the product is really a finished book. As all the other books that come out.

“Bikkjevakt” all about Steve, which is early thirties and live on the sailboat. Sellevold has even stayed two and a half years in the boat. Before that, he lived five years in Australia, where he took a journalistutdannelse.

OLD FRIENDS: Sellevold had to be rescued seven times in one year, ” he says. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen Show more

Later, he moved to London and worked with the writing program descriptions for digital CHANNELS. After that, he has also managed to take a maritime education in Horten, with accompanying practice in the boat. Last year, he teamed up down in Sweden with his partner and bonusbarn.

the Whole time he has written, and the whole time he has been relentlessly critical of myself. A refund the late 90’s led to over 20 years with the fine polishing of up to several screenplays. Language, action, persongalleri – everything was picked apart and put painstakingly back together again and again.

I decided that this do I submit no matter, for I will never be satisfied. I’m starting to get old, I thought. Now I just have to do it. Then I sent it to Gyldendal. They have printed it on paper, and now we sit here.

Lost her husband – Never smugla hashish

Example Steve is highly trained and make their living by translating non-fiction and technical manuals. Next the he on income by smuggling marijuana, along with a motley karaktergalleri of unlikely narkokriminelle.

Stian will out of the game, but bestekompisen Mike pulls him back for – you guessed it – one last job.

– He is not a typical criminal. The whole smuglernettverket I have found on the consists of utypiske people. Stian has a master’s in comparative literature, and one of his contacts is trebåtentusiast. It is free writing, but it seems not totally unlikely to me that there might be something like that.

Are you first to smuggle drugs, it seems like a reasonable way to do it, seems he.

– that’s The way I would do it. But I have never smugla marijuana, bedyrer him.

ALWAYS WRITTEN: Martin Sellevold has been writing since he was a child. In years debut, he røverromanen “Bikkjevakt”. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen Show more The last rave-hunting

Completely unknown, he is however not with the society’s skyggesider.

– I’m 43, so I was in my formative years in the late 90’s. I was a raver then rave was still underground. It was a freaking cool time. It lasted not so long. Suddenly, it became mainstream, and everything disappeared. But then I was in contact with, and lived in Oslo’s underworld.

Undergrunnsmiljøene slipped into each other, ” he says.

Rave. Dop. Some other crime – just that I was not involved in. But it was perhaps the most interesting time of my life. Much started enough. In each case, my knowledge of, and feeling with, the more shady parts of society.


In the rave environment was (believe it or not) a certain instance of the narcotic substances, ” he says.

Ecstasy was brand new. All we kept on with it. And it is illegal. So you are in contact with the dealers and pushere, and they are the real criminals. They have their smuglerkontakter. Then you have those who are further out on the harder stuff. As a driver with hverdagskriminalitet. Stjæler cars, things like that.

Although he was generally most concerned to hear music and dance at venues Sikamikanico in Oslo, ” he says.

– But it is the overlapping environments. Once you are underground, you meet the others that are underground also. Sex and drugs and techno music. All of mine have fared well, but there are some that went to the hælvette with.

Nevertheless, he’s looking back at the 90’s through the rosenrøde glasses.

” I have been an old man reminisce. But it was totally freaking when, a lot of it. When you are 18 and have anxiety, when life is hard, no matter how cool it is afterwards.

GIFT: – I don’t know what it means. You’ll find her and ask, ” says Sellevold about the tattoo he got påspandert a night in the 90’s. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen Show more Unorsk

Adventure on the seven seas is not the most common theme for bejublede romandebuter in Norway.

– the Publisher calls it a røverroman. It is a unorsk genre, I have been told. It’s probably true. It is well not so many in just this genre in English. It had been cool if it was there, but people need to get the give out and read it they will.

he not done anything with anyway.

I write to entertain myself, and I hope I can entertain others. I’m not trying to say anything terribly deep about so very much. The goal is that there are trustworthy people that populate the story.

Mysterious tattoo

Steve is a loner. It is Sellevold also, ” he says.

– Characteristic. What we have in common. I thrive in my own company, and being tired of being together with people for a very long time. I like individuals, but people as a group, I’m not so excited about.

During the fotoseansen after the interview falls the attention of a tattoo in the neck to Sellevold.

It was a gift. There was a girl who bought it to me one night in the 90’s.

– What is the story behind it?

It was the story. I don’t know what it means. You’ll find her and ask.

Share his father’s story: – Shameful

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