TV-tip that takes you on holiday

on Monday, the daily newspaper Dagbladet about eventbransjen that are not covered by government subsidies. Jan Fredrik Karlsen said that he fears that both he and his employees are without a job for a short time.

A fresh medlemsundersøkelse, conducted by Opinion for the Sponsor’s awards, shows that only a quarter of the 70 asked the members believe that enterprises will survive out in the third quarter of 2020, if it continues as today.

This study emphasizes the severity. It is urgent for us to come to the table, and that someone helps us on the road to find out who is responsible for us, ” says Jan Fredrik Karlsen to Dagbladet.

He will have the support of the managing director in the Sponsor’s awards.

– If not large parts of the Norwegian eventbransje to collapse, we need better and more personalized long-term emergency assistance, says Janette Haukland to the Newspaper.

Risking to be left without a job are Not entitled to support

Haukland says that she is not surprised by the result of the investigation.

We have seen this coming for a while, and have tried to work against the government so far has been. It has been a much bigger job than we thought, ” she says.

Haukland says that eventbyråer not have the right to support for cancelled events, such as culture and sports.

SHUTTLECOCK: Janette Haukland, the chief executive of the Sponsor’s awards feels the industry is her being tossed from one department to the other. Photo: the Sponsor’s awards. Show more

Also hit the cash assistance to the industry us is very bad, when we are prosjektorientert industry with large seasonal fluctuations in inntektsstrømmen, ” she says.

She believes that the ministries do not know who has responsibility for eventbransjen.

When Knut Opinion from one of our member companies was set up in Dagsnytt 18 to discuss the critical situation was interviewed constantly exposed because the ministries did not know who should speak, ” she says.

– Arrogance

Knut Mean is chairman of the board of Komon Stageway, one of the country’s larger eventbyråer. He says he hopes the government soon wakes up, and jokes that he should perhaps look a little brighter on the matter, when he was one of the authors behind the Jahn Teigens signature-hit “Optimist”.

the GRUELING CRITICISM: Knut Mean is chairman of the board of Komon Stageway. He believes the government is too arrogant in their treatment of eventbransjen. Photo: Kyrre Lien / Scanpix Show more

He comes with the grueling criticism by the government to be solo and arrogant in their treatment of eventbransjen.

– They have not yet managed to come up with a concrete answer on which department we fall under. They show arrogance towards an industry that has several thousand man-years and sells for over four billion a year. We were the first that were closed down and is the last to come back, thunders he go to the Newspaper.

do not Match

the Ministry of industry and ministry of fisheries said to Dagbladet on Monday that eventbransjen covered in the principle of the two compensation schemes, both kontantstøtteordningen and compensation for cancelled or delayed cultural events.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError HARD: Norwegian trade and industry minister Iselin Nybø mean you can’t ensure that it will not occur pengesnusk. Reporter: Mats Rønning. Photo: Bjørn Langsem. Show more

Janette Haukland says that this is completely wrong and a clear expression of the ministry’s knowledge.

– We are not on the list of subcontractors. Examples list only includes suppliers for the cultural event. They do not take with them that processes the event, namely eventbyråene and other sub-contractors in eventbransjen, ” she says.


the secretary of state Lucie Katrine Sunde-Eidem (V) answer in an e-mail that “the industry has had access to most of the general støtteordningene for the business community in connection with the coronapandemien, and a number of actors were recently also incorporated in’s cultural events”.

She points out that they may seek compensation for losses and additional expenses as a result of postponed or cancelled events in the kultursektoren between 1. may and 1. september. Institutions who are covered, will be able to recover 50 percent of its lost profits.

– the Government’s goal is that this will help to improve the situation in eventbransjen, which is very hard hit by the smitteverntiltakene in connection with corona, she says.

the Arts can help out in the summer, laid off 75 percent

70 members have responded to the Sponsor and eventforeningens survey. Almost half of the agencies have planned over 50 events in 2020. Most have been cancelled many of their events.

6 of the 10 agencies responding that they have had to lay off more than 75 percent of the workforce.

the Newspaper has tried to get a comment from the ministry of Trade and ministry of fisheries without answers. The newspaper was on Monday in contact with the ministry of culture who referred to the Ministry of industry and ministry of fisheries in the matter of the eventbransjen.

Should be including

Creo association for art and culture, organizes the musicians and artists. They say that eventmarkedet constitute a significant proportion of their members ‘ yearly income.

SHOULD be INCLUDED: Creos forbundsleder, Hans Ole Rian believes that it is natural that eventbransjen be included in the støtteordningene for culture. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix Show more

– Many of our audio and lysteknikere, both those who are employed in the different companies in the industry and the many self-employed, is also dependent on a viable eventbransje, says Creos forbundsleder, Hans Ole Rian to the Newspaper.

He believes that eventmarkedet should be included in the examples support.

In each case, the section of the market that drives kulturnæring. That also this industry may be said to fall between two stools – the ministry of industry and ministry of culture, shows once again that we need a review of how kulturnæringene belong in departementsstrukturen, says.

Crisis for artists

In a survey Creo has done in collaboration with OsloMet found associated that 43 per cent of their self-employed members expect a inntektsbortfall of 50 percent or more from 2019 to 2020.

– If eventmarkedet also breaks down now, I’m afraid that many of these will come to have major problems with servicing the loan, pay the rent and continue in kulturbransjen.

For the artist Rein Alexander has the us changed significantly in the coronatida, and the outlook is very uncertain. He usually does between ten and twenty missions in eventbransjen annually.

– I notice it very well, it has gone several months now without a job. Eventbransjen is certainly not present day, so it is clear it is financially difficult for us (artists in Norway, journ.anm.) now, he says to Dagbladet.

Norwegian journalist in Hollywood-trouble

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