What questions and considerations for this renowned, former defender of the murderer in series, Guy Georges, or of the former mayor of Grenoble Alain Carignon, was cancelled in the Paris bar on December 31.

The lawyer Alex Ursulet, accused of rape by a former intern, which he denies, has been placed in custody Tuesday in Paris, has it learned Wednesday, with the prosecutor’s office, confirming information from Mediapart.

ALSO READ >> #Iwas : victims bear witness to the age to which they have been subjected to sexual violence

This questions and considerations for this renowned, former defender of the murderer in series, Guy Georges, or of the former mayor of Grenoble Alain Carignon, was always heard on Wednesday at mid-day on the 3rd district judicial police.

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The lawyer for 63 years, the former regional advisor RPR of Martinique, is the subject of a preliminary investigation opened after the complaint for “rape” and “sexual harassment” filed in mid-October by a 26 year old woman, also a lawyer.

Former associate of Jacques Vergès

This last was an intern in his firm in paris in January 2018 as part of its training. In his complaint, revealed by Mediapart, the young woman rumored to have been assaulted in the law firm of Alex Ursulet, after a lunch during which the latter proved to be pressing. She filed certificates of witnesses and copies of SMS.

I Ursulet, for its part, filed a complaint for “false accusation”, but also to “false” and “attempted fraud on the judgment”. The Council of the order, seized of the facts, struck at the Paris bar last December 31 at the conclusion of a disciplinary investigation, and I Ursulet has appealed this decision.

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#Iwas : victims bear witness to the age to which they have been subjected to sexual violence, The investigation of sexual assault aimed Abdellatif Kechiche closed without investigation Investigation for sexual assault against T : Ann-Kathrin Stracke “felt humiliated”

Former associate of Jacques Vergès and son of the former president of Fort-de-France, Alex Ursulet was made known by getting his client Guy George that he make a public confession of his crimes during his trial at the assizes in 2001.