all In all, 453 000 candidates are required to complete a training proposal for their graduate studies. The platform opened on Tuesday evening.

“things are going quite satisfactorily,” according to Frédérique Vidal. Some 71 000 high school students on a total of 453 000 candidates were validated Tuesday night, “the first proposal” at the opening of the platform Parcoursup access to higher Education, announced this Wednesday the minister.

“More than 1.5 million of proposals have been made to more than 453 000 candidates and already 71 000 have accepted the first proposal [Tuesday] evening,” said the minister of higher Education on France Inter,” assured the minister of higher Education, while the Marginal are always private schools because of the health crisis.

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The tray is released this year via the ongoing monitoring because of the epidemic of Covid-19 but the candidates who have validated their record prior to the containment, this should have no impact on Parcoursup. In the past year, Parcoursup had left 1175 high school graduates without any allocation to the school. This year, “there are 20,000 high school graduates more than last year,” inscribed on the platform, said the minister.

“We have also this year 16 000 training on the platform, that is to say, more than last year, because all of the training courses recognised by the State have joined the platform,” said Frédérique Vidal.

the start of The school held in the month of September

The minister also confirmed that “the start date will not be changed” for higher education, and “will do well as usual in the month of September (…) if the sanitary conditions allow”.

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“To avoid the lecture halls and crowded”, the teachers “will be able to propose that a part of the course is cloud” but “there also will be face-to-face [because] it is very important to re-establish a direct link” between the teachers and the students, she stressed.

Asked about the reception of students in September (gauge maximum in the amphitheatre, wearing a mask or not, etc), the minister responded, “to be in the process of working with facilities”, without giving more details.

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“What is very important is that we can predict health conditions that require restrictions to be ready in the worst case” because it is “always easier to lift constraints that have not been planned”, she concluded.