something it never was: A seller wants to be in possession of such a rare 2 Euro coin, he is now demanding millions for it on eBay classifieds.

to be, At first glance, it is just an ordinary 2-Euro-coin from Germany seems to be. But on second glance, the price that the seller requires skin, almost out of socks. On eBay classifieds and he is causing a Furore.

also read : the eBay Revolution: For the customer it is cheaper – you have to put up with some things.

2-Euro-coin turns out to be a Fried egg-Mule – but she is two million Euro worth it?

Because the sum which he requires for the good piece, there was never in the Online marketplace! a Whopping two million euros are to have the Number from Bavaria for the “bug embossing in very good condition” . And the man praises the coin with so many superlatives that can be different than the piece in more detail.

It is a rarity!! It is unique , ” says the seller is excited in the description. But what is so special about the money piece? On the two pictures he posted, is clearly visible on the payment page that it is a so-called Fried egg .

interesting : These Mules are in thousands of euros – to look quickly.

At the embossing of the inner, yellow part of the coin, the so-called pill seems to be in the outer coin edge spilled. He is not placed exactly in the middle as usual, but is slightly shifted or the color is lost. But if this gem is really worth millions? Nice it is Yes …

Learn here is: Has your Euro coin this error? Then they don’t sell better on eBay.

see also: Illegal trade in human organs and dead children? Shock news from Munich informed

Several dead young people and ofillegal organ trade – this alleged warning of the police of Munich made a few days ago on the Internet for fear. Now there is enlightenment.

see also: converted To Christianity: mother and son death penalty – now, you were arrested

Because it is threatening to Christianity, and converted a 42-year-old Iranian woman and her son (17) now, the death by Hanging. Now, the two have not been taken in Iran.

your opinion counts!

also read : does your 2-Euro-coin this feature? Almost € 150,000 in here.


The money before the Euro: do you Know these EU-currencies?