opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself transitional President of Venezuela. US President, Donald Trump acknowledged him a few minutes later.

Update 21.30: Venezuela has broken off diplomatic relations with the United States. The diplomatic staff must leave within 72 hours the country, said President Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday. The United States had previously recognized President Juan Guaidó as a transitional President.

Further States Guaido recognize as President of Venezuela in

Update 20.49 at: Colombia has recognized the Venezuelan Parliament chief Juan Guaidó as interim President of the South American country. Also, Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, and Paraguay head of government Marito Abdo recognize Guaidó as a transitional President.

The organization of American States (OAS) has the Venezuelan Parliament chief Juan Guaidó, as well as transitional President acknowledged.

Update 20.47 clock: US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo called on the security forces in Venezuela, a peaceful non-transfer of power to stand in the way. Pompeo, the military and other security forces called on Wednesday to “support democracy and to protect all the citizens of Venezuela”. The people have suffered for long enough under the “catastrophic dictatorship” of President Nicolás Maduro.

In a message Pompeos it was said that the United States is prepared to provide humanitarian aid for the people in Venezuela, in so far as the conditions would allow.

US government asks Venezuela’s President, Nicolás Maduro, to the peaceful transfer of power to

Update 20.41 clock: The US government has urged Venezuela’s President, Nicolás Maduro, to a peaceful transfer of power and the other threatened if with sharp consequences. “All options are on the table,” said a high-ranking government officials on Wednesday in Washington. This applies in particular to the case, should Maduro take action against members of the deposed Parliament. Shortly before that, US President, Donald Trump President Juan Guaidó had recognized as the legitimate interim head of state of Venezuela.

The U.S. government representative said the United States could tighten economic sanctions against the Maduro government drastically. In this area you have scratched yet “is hardly on the surface” of what is Possible. On the question of whether military action was inconceivable, he said: “Everything is on the table, all of the options.” In any case, Maduro and his cronies would have “” no future in it. “One way or another their days are numbered.”

Venezuela: opposition leader declares himself President

Caracas – in Front of Thousands of jubilant supporters of the Venezuelan Parliament President, Juan Guaidó has thrown the socialist head of state, Nicolás Maduro down the gauntlet. At a rally in the capital Caracas, the 35-year-old MP said on Wednesday, as the interim President of the South American country. “Before the Almighty God, I vow to take on the powers of the Executive as interim President of Venezuela,” he said. “Let us all swear that we will not rest until we have attained freedom.”

the power struggle in Caracas: Trump recognizes opposition leader as the rightful interim President

minutes later, realized US President Donald Trump the leader of the opposition as the rightful interim President. “I will continue to use the full weight of economic and diplomatic Power of the United States, to press for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela,” said Trump in a statement. He call on other governments in the West, Guaidó also as a transition President to acknowledge. Already in August of 2017, Trump had said: “We have a lot of options for Venezuela, including military, if necessary.”

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Also, the leadership of the organization of American States (OAS) was behind Guaidó. “Our congratulations to Juan Guaidó as interim President of Venezuela. He has our back, in order to lead the country back to democracy,“ wrote to OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro on Twitter. The Opposition is relying on the Constitution, after the Parliament on a transitional basis, the Executive can take the violence, if there is no legitimate President.

elections in Venezuela were not in line with democratic Standards

President Maduro had two weeks ago for his second term swearing in. Numerous States, international organizations and the Opposition do not recognise him as a legitimate President, because elections in the past year, met democratic Standards. Is supported Maduro on the other hand, his allies in Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua. Most recently, he was also trying to deepen its relations with Russia, China and Turkey.

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On Wednesday went in Venezuela, tens of thousands of people against the socialist government on the streets. The protesters showed banners with the inscription “We are free” and chanted “you will fall, you will fall, this government will fall”.

police fired tear gas grenades and rubber bullets into the crowd. Masked demonstrators hurled stones at the officers. According to media, several protesters were taken to report. Also Maduro’s supporters took to the streets to support the government. 23. January is a symbolic date for the country, because on this day in 1958, the then Venezuelan dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez was overthrown.

Political and economic crisis in Venezuela

Guaidó the armed forces called to stand on the side of the opponents of the government. Even Maduro can, however, call on the support of the powerful military generals are sitting in key positions of Power, control the Oil business, the Import of food, banks, and mining companies. Many want to be involved in corruption and criminal business.

Venezuela stretches in a deep political and economic crisis. The Opposition is suppressed, many government opponents were arrested or fled into exile. Due to the lack of foreign Exchange and can import once the country is rich in hardly any foods, medicines and things of daily needs. Around three million Venezuelans are already fled from the misery abroad.

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