Paco Albert was selling olive oil door-to-door in 1959

Your company, Oils, Albert, traded today in 24 countries and a turnover of 20 million

In a small shop in Foios (Valencia) where they sold oil and eggs as a kid Paco Albert in full post-war period. His mother was buying bulk oil in the cooperatives and sold among the neighbours, who came to fill their jugs. A day to Paco it occurred to him that they could increase sales if, with his bike, started to take the oil “door to door” to the houses of their customers, to the ovens and bakeries, small businesses and restaurants, and even to the goals of the houses of the bourgeoisie of valencia. Of Foios street Columbus pedalenado loaded with a bottle of oil. After he reached the age of majority, the driving license, the first van and the foundation of Oils to Albert in 1959, a company which distributes oil in 24 countries and with a turnover of 20 million euros.

“I didn’t see or selling in Albacete… but slowly… If we sold them in Madrid, why not in China?”, account Paco, deneme bonusu Albert, now retired but still spend by the company for a little while each day. The company, which came to be in the basement of his house, is in the hands of his daughter Charo Albert, commercial director, and the manager, Juan Luis Barrios, external to the family. This professionalization was a decision of the founder, in 2011, once his son Paco, which began in 2000 exports to China, decided to leave the company.

Signed a family protocol, and entrusted the work of his life to the new generation. “Times change and we must adapt”, says proud. “You have to be very brave to do it, but it is the way to survive the company,” adds Barrios. “There has not been an easy process, but it has allowed us to take another leap”, corroborates Charo.

Oils Albert, under its brand Casalbert, is the distributor of oil benchmark in the Valencian Community. Purchase producers, preferably local, packaged and marketed. Its business is divided into three areas: hotels, restaurants and Cátering – “is the smallest unit but not lose it by being the source of the business,” says Charo, the industrial, as a wholesale supplier firms in 49 provinces, and the export, an area in which they grow up year to year and already accounts for 40% of your business. By your bottling line passes, for example, avocado oil to Korea, grape seed, Tiger nuts, “and we had to ask for olive oil with marijuana for the Czech Republic,” says the manager.

Crisis of the rapeseed

Not everything has been easy. In 1981 in Spain, he lived a mass intoxication by selling at flea markets, on the whole of the Community of Madrid, Betpark rapeseed oil has been adulterated. Was sold for consumption by industrial oil. There were 30,000 of affected and nearly 1,000 deaths.

The sales of Paco is more complicated. “I serve at home, unless we ask for it, because the people were very sensitized. We had nothing to see, everything was in order. But there was mistrust,” recalls Paco. He gritted his teeth and reinvented. Diverted their business to catering and saw his opportunity when many of the companions drove out the blinds.

“it Was a time of renewal. It was very hard, I went wrong, but many have disappeared and I pored over the market. Since then every year we put on sales and the export market”, explains with pride.

Paco that in Valencia was a lot of competition in your sector that has been disappearing. “One is led to that crisis, other the generational shift, because the children have not known or been able to keep the business of the parents.” And other large distributors. That is the competition that is Oils Albert.

“We are going to stay quite alone, as a medium-sized company. And that can be a value because we are where the big doesn’t want to enter and the little ones don’t come in,” argues the manager. “Our competitors are large distributors, which carry more products and use the oil only as a claim. We are a leader in the Valencian Community because we make a big effort to differentiate ourselves with our product by giving a lot of quality and a personalized treatment. Making us strong in our field is how we can avoid that penetrate into these companies.” “We have a very defined show niche market,” adds Charo Albert.

class=”icon-foto_16_g”> Bottling of oil on the floor of Foios. JOSEPH CUÉLLARAliados with Alibaba

Meanwhile, Casalbert still committed also by developing eco -“it’s always extra virgin oil,” adds Paco Albert – and online sales as another form of open markets. By the time they already have an agreement with the giant Alibaba to distribute your oils in China. “At Amazon we are also, but in Spain it continues to rely little on the buying and selling of food online,” explains Barrios.

Their new products go through the production of scented oils and single-variety, “very defendants in these moments.”

In terms of innovation, has been present in Oils Albert for years. “We look for different applications of the oil in the food, although not always for the direct consumption”, reveals with prudence Neighborhoods. “We are making special oils for cooking and to hold”, it moves a little more Paco.

One of its most successful products, oils for frying, is the result of the research. “In fact it is called Casalbert I+D+I, is what’s best to sell after the extra virgin olive oil,” adds Charo Albert.


Billing. Reaches 20 million euros through three business areas: catering, distribution and export.

Employees. Currently only at its headquarters, located in Foios, working 40 people.

Export. It’s the 40% of the business. Are present in 24 countries, carry 18 years exporting to China and have a subsidiary in the US.


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