Dirty Laundry always needs to be hot washed – this Mantra has been burned into every brain. But actually, a wash is enough gear with cold water.

That dirty Laundry needs to be hot washed, is for many a fact is not in question. This Knowledge is conveyed from one Generation to the next – quite a unconsciously-to the fact that the technology today is on a completely different level. Therefore, it is no longer in newer washing machines actually needed to wash their clothes too hot, said the Online-platform Consumer Reports.

washing machines of today have different Standards than in the past

Today’s washing machines are designed to only consume little energy and the most energy is consumed when the water has to be heated in the machine. Therefore, the temperatures were lowered in the United States over the last 15 years by up to 15 degrees, and a total of is to be used, less water in the drum. With a cold wash, you’ll also save power and money.

you can Find out where socks disappear in the washing machine.

Laundry detergent even in cold wash effectively

Due to the adjustments of the washing machines to energy policy had to also add the detergent manufacturers: The manufacturer of Protector & Gamble, explains that the newer means of traditional washing to link enzymes and surfactants to each other, to ensure in colder water, a good cleaning, the Laundry .

Therefore, a Hot washing is only necessary when a family member is sick. Because only in this way the germs are killed in the clothing and not on others.

These seven Tricks in the Laundry you didn’t know yet.

Franziska Kaindl

How often to switch you actually, toilet brush, rags, & co.?