in the opinion of skin doctors, it is in the future in Germany, significantly more cases of skin cancer. Responsible for this is a style Trend that began in the 1960s and ‘ 70s.

München – German dermatologists expect for the next 30 years with a significant increase of all skin cancer types in Germany. The insidious disease is, according to the technician health insurance already, the reason for every third cancer diagnosis – and the trend is rising. Of particular concern is that The patients are getting younger and younger.

skin cancer: number of cases will rise

“We are now seeing the effects of the 70s and 80s, in which tan was chic,” said Dirk Schade village, a dermatologist at the University hospital of Essen, on Thursday at the meeting of the German Dermatological society in Berlin. At that time, there had been less awareness of sun protection and also significantly less light protection factors in sun cream.

doctor skin cancer screening: “behavior change, there is only conditional”

Currently there are, according to claims village in Germany, approximately 300,000 new Diagnoses of skin cancer each year. In the majority it is a case of white skin cancer, with 23,000 cases of black skin cancer concern. The most common is the basal cell carcinoma and the Spinaliom, both of which are also referred to as a bright or white skin cancer, are diagnosed. On rank three of the malignant black cancer follows. This includes other rare types of skin cancer come.

Today, the awareness of the consequences of sun fires bigger, said the specialist. “A behavior change, but only conditionally.” Sun cream is often applied too thin or not often enough. As a result, the printed-on light protection factor reaches rarely. “A pack of sun protection keeps per Person, maybe two weeks. But not three summers for a family,“ said the dermatologist.

skin cancer Prevention: sunscreen alone is not enough

sun cream alone is not helping also mandatory against black skin cancer. It is important not to stay too long in the blazing sun, to wear head protection as well as long-sleeved shirts and pants and go with a T-Shirt into the water. Self-help groups still see a trivialisation and an underestimate of skin cancer. “Thus, under the Motto: “Oh, just skin cancer because you’ve been lucky”,” says Katharina Kaminski of the patient’s self-help melanoma in Düsseldorf. She called sonnencrem dispensers in schools and day-care centres and ban the use of solariums.
