RANKING CAF 2018 – Your college or one of your children is in the Top 500 in the Shanghai ranking ? Now you can know the answer by consulting the ranking of world universities by 2018…

Summary Ranking of the universities of Shanghai (ARWU) Ranking of universities Shanghai 2018 Ranking of universities QS
(QS World University Rankings) world Ranking Times Higher Education Ranking of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) Ranked universities according to
the rate of success (ministry of higher Education) Ranking of universities according to
the insertion rate (ministry of higher Education) The rank of French universities in the global rankings

[updated August 15, 2018 at 18h01] Each year, the Shanghai ranking is particularly expected. The one who has been put in place in 2003, is in effect the best university in the world, according to some highly specific criteria of course, as the number of former pupils have become Nobel prize winners or the number of articles published in scientific journals “Nature” and “Science” in the course of the previous five years. In addition to the best universities around the world, the”Academic Ranking of World Universities” (ARWU), English name of the classification, put forward, at the same time, some French universities. See without further delay the Top 10 best universities in 2018 (as well as French universities appearing in the Top 500 in the world ranking) !

The ranking of the best universities in the world in 2018 to See the photos Each year, the university Jiao Tong of Shanghai establishes a ranking of the best universities in the world. © University of California

The Shanghai ranking is not the only charts that can be consulted to know the level of a university.The world ranking of universities QS, also very respected, door, him, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the first step of the podium. The world ranking Times Higher Education distinguishes, for its part, the University of Oxford. In these rankings, international, French institutions are often far behind the americans and the british, who occupy a large part of the table. In France, the ministry of higher Education publishes two types of indicators : the success rate and the employment rate. Although the figures released relate to the session two years ago in the rear, they allow you to obtain a photograph of the French universities.

See also our special page “Parcoursup”, the new platform orientation in the higher education ranking of world universities of Shanghai (ARWU)

The academic ranking of world universities (ARWU) is published by the University Jiao Tong of Shanghai in China. Since its creation in 2003, it is still Harvard University has occupied the first place. The University of Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in general are not far behind.

The universities are ranked according to six criteria : the number of Nobel prizes and Fields medals among the former students, and among teachers, the number of researchers most cited in their discipline, the number of publications in the scientific journals Nature and Science, the number of researchers listed in the Science Citation Index-Expended (SCIE) and the Social Science Citation Index (CTBS) and the average performance of teachers.

Ranking universities of Shanghai 2018

The ranking of universities Shanghai 2018 was unveiled on 15 August. For this new edition, it is still Harvard university that achieved the first walk of the podium, followed by Stanford and Cambridge (surprisingly, MIT ranks only 4th place). The first european settlement, Cambridge, England, is ranked at the 3rd place. France up its first university in this list of winners at the 36th place, with the new caf “Sorbonne university”. Then follow the Paris-South to 42nd place and the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris, at the 64th.

The 10 best universities in the world (2018) :

Rank Establishment 1 Harvard University 2 Stanford University 3 University of Cambridge 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 Berkeley 6 Princeton University 7 Oxford 8 Columbia University 9 California Institute of Technology 10 University of Chicago

The French universities in the Top 200 (2018) :

Rank Establishment 36 University Sorbonne University 42 Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11) 64 Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) 101-150 Aix Marseille University 101-150 University of Strasbourg 101-150 University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7) 151-200 Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1) 151-200 University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5)

universities in the world ranking in previous years :

Year of Establishment-best of 2017, Harvard University 2016 University of Harvard 2015 Harvard University 2014 Harvard University 2013 Harvard University 2012 Harvard 2011, Harvard University 2010 Harvard University world ranking of universities QS

The ranking of world universities QS (QS World University Rankings is published annually by Quacquarelli Symonds, a british company that boasts the largest global network of information and counselling on higher education and the professional career. In 2018, for the seventh année in a row, it is the MIT or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who won the palme.

This ranking is based on six weighted criteria : academic reputation (40%), reputation with recruiters (10%), the ratio of deneme bonusu veren siteler teachers-students (20%), citations per faculty (20%), the ratio of international faculty (5%) and international students (5%).

The top 10 in 2017-2018 : Rank Establishment 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2 Stanford University 3 Harvard University 4 California Institute of Technology 5 University of Cambridge 6 University of Oxford 7 University College London (UCL) 8 Imperial College London 9 University of Chicago 10 the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) The rank of French universities in the rankings 2017-2018 : Rank Establishment 43 Ecole normale supérieure (ENS), Paris 59 Ecole polytechnique, Paris 131 Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), Paris 157 Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon 177 CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay universities in the world ranking in previous years : Year of Establishment the better ranked 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2016 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2011 University of Cambridge 2010 University of Cambridge The global rankings of universities Times Higher Education

The magazine’s london-based Times Higher Education published annually since 2004, a global ranking of universities. He defines it as the only one to take into account the main missions of the university are teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international influence. For this, 13 weighted indicators are used, grouped in five categories : the scope of work (30%), the number and scope of research (30%), the influence of the research (30%), the renown international teachers (7,5%), students and researchers, and connections with companies (2.5 per cent). As in other rankings, these are often the american universities that occupy the top of the table. The trend, however, shows that they start to lose their panache for the benefit of the european. Thus, for the first time in 2015-2016, a facility that is not anglo-saxon has appeared in the top 10, the polytechnic school of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Here are the universities in france that have found their place in the famous Top 200 in the latest rankings :

Rank Establishment 72 University of PSL (Paris Sciences and Letters), 115 Ecole polytechnique 123 Pierre and Marie Curie University 181 University of Paris-South 182 Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon 196 Sorbonne And here are the 10 best universities Jestbet in the world according to the Times Higher Education in 2017-2018 : Rank Establishment 1 University of Oxford 2 University of Cambridge 3 California Institute of Technology 3 ex-aequo Stanford University 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6 Harvard University 7 Princeton University 8 Imperial College London 9 University of Chicago 10 ETH Zurich 10 ex-aequo University of Pennsylvania
universities at the top of the ranking in previous years : Year of Establishment 2016-2017 University of Oxford 2015-2016 California Institute of Technology 2014-2015 California Institute of Technology, 2013-2014 California Institute of Technology 2012-2013 California Institute of Technology 2011-2012 California Institute of Technology, 2010-2011 Harvard University in The global ranking of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR)

The ranking of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) has published since 2012 by the King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It brings together 1 000 of the world’s top universities according to eight criteria, such as the number of distinctions won by the students, the number of former students with the director or the importance of publications.

In 2018-2019, the head of the last ranking date is still occupied by american universities. Harvard university is ranked first (since 2012), followed by Stanford and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as in 2017. What are then the institutions the british, who complete the top 5 : the university of Cambridge and Oxford. The first French university in the world ranking is Sorbonne university at the 29th place, followed by the University of Paris-South in the 54th.

The first 10 universities in the ranking 2018-2019 : Rank Establishment Country 1 Harvard University United States 2 Stanford University United States 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 4 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 5 University of Oxford United Kingdom 6 University of California, Berkeley United States 7 Princeton University United States 8 Columbia University United States 9 California Institute of Technology, Usa 10 University of Chicago United States the rank of The Top 10 French universities in the rankings 2018-2019 : Rank Establishment 29 Sorbonne University 54 University of Paris-South 84 Paris Diderot University 97 University of Grenoble – Alpes 116 Ecole polytechnique 117 Ecole normale supérieure 135 University of Strasbourg 138 Aix-Marseille University, 141 University of Montpellier 181 University Paris Descartes universities in the world ranking in previous years : Year of Establishment best classified 2016 Harvard University 2015 Harvard University 2014 Harvard University 2013 Harvard University 2012 Harvard University rankings of universities according to the success rate (ministry of higher Education)

In the latest report of the ministry of higher Education on the numbers of successful students in French universities, we learn in particular that only 27% of the students entered the first year of the license 2008 got their license three years later, and that 12% of students must go through an additional year to complete their degree. “The age of obtaining a bachelor’s degree and especially the series of the bachelor’s degree are the variables that have the greatest influence on the success in license,” says the ministry. But the university in which the student is also important. And it is, therefore, Angers university, which tops the ranking, followed by The university of la Rochelle and Chambéry.

Establishment success Rate
in the three years observed ( % ) simulated ( % ) added Value

This ranking is based on the value added of each university is calculated by the ministry of higher Education. The value added corresponds to the difference between the success rates recorded and the rates simulated. This last has the success expected of the university in the light of the national level and the profile of the students (sex, origin, socio-professional, series of the bachelor’s degree, age and seniority, disciplinary group entry in L1). “The value added enables to identify a university compared to the national average, after taking into account the effects of structure,” explains the ministry. In order not to skew the results, the figures chosen are those that concern the students have completed their three years of study in the same university.

If one takes into account only the rate of success observed, the ranking is slightly messed up. In this case, the university of Angers is still in the lead but it is the university Lyon 2, which occupies the second place on the podium. It is followed by the university of Grenoble 3 (which only shows, however, an added value of 3.3 percentage points), the university of south Brittany and the university of Chambéry.

According to figures published by the ministry, 27.2% of students enrolled in L1 in 2008-2009 were getting their license three years later. It was then the women who did the best with a success rate of 30.6%, or 8.9 percentage points more than men. In the same way, students from families highly favoured have more chances to earn their license (32.1 per cent) than those from disadvantaged families (to 20.9%).

in the period 2008-2012, the university of Clermont Ferrand 1 came in the lead with the highest value added 18.7. It was followed by the university of Angers, and those of La Rochelle, Lyon 2 and the university of North Is Midi-Pyrénées.

Establishment success Rate
in the three years observed Rate simulated the added Values
(in points), UNIVERSITE CLERMONT FERRAND 1 58,30% 39,60% 18,7 UNIVERSITY ANGERS 61,40% 46,20% 15,2 UNIVERSITY LA ROCHELLE 56,50% 41,80% 14,7 UNIVERSITY LYON 2 58,10% 44,70% 13,4 CUFR NORTH-EAST of MIDI-PYRENEES 56,80% 44,70% 12 ranking of universities according to the insertion rate (ministry of higher Education)

Between masters, professional licenses, and OTC, the universities host more than 60% of French students. The ministry of higher Education recently published indicators on the employment situation of graduates in 2014. Employment rates were 91% in two years for a master’s LMD and 97% for the master of education, 30 months after graduation. Licensed professional, an insertion rate at two years (after graduation) of 93% has been observed in the last survey encrypted provided by the ministry of higher Education. Rates similar to those of the previous year. Figures released at the end of the previous annual survey (2012 graduates) we were also allowed to establish a classification by sub-sector universities offering students the best chance of finding a job at the end of their training. Although many institutions display a insertion rate higher than 90%, the University Lyon 2 is distinguished in our classification, with 100% in the areas of Science, Technology and Health.

University employment Rate
of the masters Courses Law, Economics and Management BRETAGNE-SUD 96% LORRAINE AMIENS-PICARDIE 95% of RENNES 2-HAUTE-BRETAGNE, SAINT-ETIENNE-JEAN MONNET CLERMONT-FERRAND 1, MULHOUSE, ORLEANS, PAU, 94%, BESANCON, PERPIGNAN PARIS 1 SORBONNE national Average 91% Chains Letters, Languages and Arts, CERGY-PONTOISE 94% ROUEN SAINT-ETIENNE-JEAN MONNET PARIS 3 93% DIJON PARIS 7 92% national Average 87% Sector human and social Sciences of TOULOUSE 3 97% AMIENS-PICARDIE 96% CERGY-PONTOISE, PARIS 4 93% PARIS 7 national Average 88% Sectors Science, Technology and Health LYON 2 100% TOULOUSE 1 98% THE le MANS-MAINE 96% national Average 90%

These figures provided by the ministry relate to the graduates 2012 master. Has been taken into account the professional situation of former students 30 months after graduation if they have not continued or resumed their studies within two years.

The rank of French universities in the global rankings

the Two international rankings are especially scrutinized each year : the clasestablishment of the Shanghai ranking and QS prepared by a british company. The ranking CWUR published by a university in Saudi Arabia also enables you to get an idea of the place of the French establishments in the world. Among the universities systematically classified, include the Pierre and Marie Curie university (now part of the Sorbonne university), université Paris Sud, Ecole normale supérieure or Polytechnique. Here is the ranking of French institutions in these different rankings :

Shanghai Ranking (2018) : Rank Establishment 36 University Sorbonne University 42 Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11) 64 Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) 101-150 Aix Marseille University 101-150 University of Strasbourg 101-150 University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7) 151-200 Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1) 151-200 University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5)

Ranking QS (2017-2018) :

Rank Establishment 43 Ecole normale supérieure (ENS), Paris 59 Ecole polytechnique, Paris 131 Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), Paris, 157 Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon 177 CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay Ranking Times Higher Education (2018) : Rank Establishment 72 University of PSL (Paris Sciences and Letters), 115 Ecole polytechnique 123 Pierre and Marie Curie University 181 University of Paris-South 182 Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon 196 Sorbonne Classement CWUR (2018-2019) : Rank Establishment 29 Sorbonne University 54 University of Paris-South 84 Paris Diderot University 97 University of Grenoble – Alpes 116 Ecole polytechnique 117 Ecole normale supérieure 135 University of Strasbourg 138 Aix-Marseille University, 141 University of Montpellier 181 University of Paris Descartes