Before new year’s eve discovered the customer in a Penny-supermarket is a Nazi Symbol on a fireworks packaging. The print came on the product.

Munich – Shortly before new year’s eve are available in the super markets of mass rockets, fireworks, and batteries. You will find on the shelves of all major supermarkets. However, in 2018, a man from Berlin in the purchase of a 18-part firework, “the Festival of lights experienced”, at Penny a bad Surprise.

The fireworks for 6.99 euros, with which he wanted to celebrate the new year, contained, among other things, the battery is “hell magic”. On the underside of the man discovered the Nazi Symbol of an Imperial eagle, together with a swastika-like Symbol.

Nazi Symbol on fireworks-battery: Penny is a case

The manufacturer of the fireworks, Weco, is considered to be the main supplier of fireworks rockets. So many other supermarkets include, in addition to the Penny to the customers of the market leader. However, the icon appears on the packaging in the case of Penny to be an isolated case – about other cases nothing is known.

not “is it in the more than 50-year-old sales of the fireworks to come, according to Weco, in its opinion, today one of the above-described complaints [ … ]”. Fireworks distributors carried out immediately a Review of remaining stocks, and elaborate on this incident.

explanation for the Nazi Symbol on the Penny-product

He explained that the fireworks are produced annually by the millions in China. The producers were encouraged to dress the outside to stabilize with a stronger paper. The top and bottom side is usually unprinted. However, in China, for years, a massive lack of Paper. Therefore, the paper come from different sources. In the above case, contrary to the rules, even scraps of paper had been used, instead of unprinted Material.

In the case of the “swastika-like” print on the paper Jacket, it was a so-called Swastika-Symbol, which counts in China, and particularly in Buddhism as a symbol of good Luck. The incident had, therefore, no national socialist backgrounds, such as Weco said.

The company apologized for the confusion. Particularly those who felt offended by the Symbol or injured.

Anger a product of a very different kind, meanwhile, there is the Discounter Aldi – it may not be initially sold.


see also: Aldi, Lidl and co.: This Change should you as a consumer

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