Fake News at Whatsapp for investigation by the police. What had happened?

pour – Whatsapp-shock! Several women and men have in the vicinity of casting a bad photo be sent to get – then, there was a police operation. About the incident extratipp.com* reported.

Whatsapp-shock in Gießen! Woman gets bad photo sent

As reported by the police of Central Hesse Betpark in a press release, circulated on Whatsapp and Social networks, the following rumor: A man is said to have announced, and other people on a Christmas market to kill . The police, speaks clearly of a wrong message was spread in Whatsapp.

casting: man in a Whatsapp message as a possible assassin accused

Particularly bad: In the Whatsapp messages, the Name of the alleged perpetrator was referred to, also his face was to be seen.

At the time of the distribution has been sitting the 28-Year-old already in psychiatry in the vicinity of Giessen. The police confirmed on demand.

Whatsapp scandal: police pour stopper

The police makes it clear: “There is no evidence of a stroke.” In the case of the person Concerned is an asylum seeker from Afghanistan. In Giessen, there was recently a similar incident: A 53-Year-old weapon was in the city with a medieval-on-the-go.

Whatsapp the rumor that a shooting was imminent spread. The police are investigating in both cases, who could be the perpetrators of this Fake News. Information please phone (0641) 700 63 555 . The extratipp.com*readers are also interested in the following message: VW Golf GTI is the Gas – as local residents see the car, he calls the police immediately!

Matthias Hoffmann

*extratipp.com is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.