Jamal Khashoggi, died at 2. October at the saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul, Audi cal agents to him, according to Reports in the cruel and murdered nThe have tortured Saudi government has the killing Khashoggis was now eingeräumtÜber the whereabouts of his body are not yet known why Germany courted the unjust regime of the Saudis openly Merkel on the phone with Saudi king and insists on enlightenment

20.38 PM: German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the phone on Thursday with the Saudi king Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the “killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi the saudi Arabian Consulate General in
Istanbul condemned in the strongest terms”. You’ve made it clear that the exact sequence of events needed to be solved, – said in a message of the press service of the Federal government. Merkel stressed that “all those responsible must be held accountable”.

it Continues: “in addition, the Chancellor spoke to the extremely worrying humanitarian situation in Yemen, and a Saudi called on Arabia to do everything in his Power to facilitate the access of humanitarian aid assistance to be effective.”

son of Khashoggi has left the country

18.33 PM: The son of Jamal Khashoggi has left the UK following the lifting of a ban on Leaving. “Salah and his family are now in a plane to (Washington) D.C.,” said Sarah Leah Whitson of the Human rights organization Human Rights Watch, the AFP news Agency on Thursday.

Previously, had spoken of the Saudi Arabian General Prosecutor’s office in the case of Khashoggi citing the Turkish investigation is the first of a possibly premeditated killing. To date, Riad officially common Version of the death case, said that Khashoggi on 2. October had come during a visit to the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul in a “fist fight” to death. This presentation was international doubt.

crown Prince bin Salman quips about “rumors on the kidnapping of the” Hariri

17.31 PM: the large investors ‘ conference in Saudi Arabia, crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has occurred on the side of the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri and has gespöttelt about “rumors on the kidnapping” of Hariri. Hariri to stay two days longer than planned in his Kingdom, said the crown Prince on Wednesday in Riyadh. “I hope there are no rumors about his kidnapping.” Am Salman and Hariri shook hands and laughed a hearty.

Hariri, had said in November in a Riad transmitted television speech, surprising for his resignation. This caused speculation that he will be detained against their will in Saudi Arabia. Hariri recanted his resignation after French mediation a month later. Saudi Arabia denies involvement in the case.

After the first General election for nine years, Hariri in may, has again been entrusted with the formation of a new government in Lebanon. So far, this has not succeeded yet.

Hariri has both the Lebanese and the Saudi citizenship, and declared the leadership in Riyadh for his support. Saudi Arabia is currently, because of the slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi under massive international pressure.

Saudi Arabian attorney General: killing Khashoggis happened, according to Turkish investigators, with the intent

12.50 PM: The Suspect in the Khashoggi affair have planned the killing of the Saudi journalists, according to the authorities in Riyadh in advance. The Turkish investigators would have to Bets10 pass appropriate information, informed the General Prosecutor’s office of the Kingdom on Thursday, as the state news Agency SPA reported. Thus, Saudi Arabia deviates from its previous line in the affair.

until now, the Kingdom had declared the Journalist Jamal Khashoggi had been in Istanbul Consulate of Saudi Arabia accidentally in a brawl, lost his life. In this Version, however, there was considerable doubt. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan this week spoke of a “brutal murder”.

report: Turkey played CIA Director’s admission of Khashoggi-murder

09.11 PM: The Turkish government has CIA Director Gina reel during your Turkey-plays the visit, apparently, the audio recordings from the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The canlı bahis siteleri “the Washington Post reported:” in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, citing undisclosed sources. In the article it said, “a Person who knows the Band, said it was not convincing and could increase the pressure on the US to pull out of Saudi Arabia for the death of Khashoggi accountable.” Reel arrived on Tuesday in Turkey, according to growing Doubts in the U.S. government in the innocent statements of the Saudi Royal house. Turkey had held the alleged recordings, previously top secret.

Saudi Arabia had added only after massive international pressure, that the critics of the government Khashoggi on 2. October in the Istanbul Consulate had been killed, as he wanted to pick up papers for his wedding. Riyadh is, however, that the Journalist died accidentally in a fight. In the Saudi Version, however, there are big doubts.

for weeks the Turkish government had employees with anonymous, almost every day new Details of the alleged recordings of Turkish and American media. Accordingly, Khashoggi by a 15-member, specially for the fact, from Saudi Arabia traveling to, special command, was tortured and murdered. The bands self-made, the Turkish government, however, are not open to the public. It also remained unclear how the recordings could have gotten. Regularly, the presumption arises that the Turkey has been spying on the Consulate with eavesdropping devices.

On the day before the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had stressed again that his country would ensure that the “murder” would not be obscured.

“deep indignation” – Macron threatens with sanctions against the guilty

Thursday, 25. October 2018, 3.40 PM: the French President, Emmanuel Macron, has confirmed after the violent death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the threat of his country with international sanctions against the culprits. France will not hesitate to take such measures, in consultation with its allies, informed of the Elysee Palace after a telephone conversation Macrons with the Saudi king Salman on Wednesday evening. Therein Macron have brought his “deep outrage” about the crime and its complete elucidation is required. In addition, he reminded the king “in mind, what fundamental importance of freedom of expression, press freedomst and civil rights in France”.

Macrons government had positioned itself for a long time than other States to the killing Khashoggis and, for example, a waiver of arms exports to resonate. “I am surprised that the debate revolves around the question of arms deliveries,” said government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux on Wednesday in Paris. The topic was comprehensive. Saudi Arabia is one of the most important customers of the French arms industry and has bought in the past year, according to an official report, weapons in the value of 1.38 billion euros.

Jamal Khashoggi was a saudi Arabian Journalist who lived in exile in the United States and especially for the “Washington Post” wrote. He criticized the approach of the saudi Arabian crown Prince Mohammed bin Salma, such as, for example, the military Intervention in Yemen.

At the 2. October 2018 was the Journalist in the Consulate in Istanbul to documents for his wedding to pick up. The building he had left after that and was considered missing. The saudi Arabian government declared the Disappearance of the journalists in several dubious versions.

Recently the country was the killing of the Khashoggis, this, however, as a result of a brawl. The body was wrapped in a carpet and from the Consulate. 18 Saudi nationals, were arrested subsequently and are suspected to have the journalist killed.

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