Read the case in English.
Luohtegilvvuin áigu NRK Sápmi, ovttas Sámedikkiin, ?almmustahttit yes loktet luo?i yes sami gielaid. Gilvu lea oassin sami giellavahkkus 2019.
– Buohkat geat háliidit sáhttet bidjat luo?i giellaloktemii, lohka Sámedikki giellaossodaga jo?iheaddji Anne Britt K Hætta.
GIELLAOSSODAT: Sámedikkii giellaossodaga jo?iheaddji Anne Britt K Hætta.
Photo: Torgeir Varsi / NRK
Luohti galgá govvidit sámegielaid, sami servvodaga gielladili dahje ?almmustahttit giellaloktema.
– Luohtái lea ?atnon sámi giella, a range of yes sami árbevierut. Danin lea dat dehálaš giellaloktemis, lohka Hætta.
Don sáhtát juoigat, dovdnet, huradit yes dajahallat. Galgá leat árbevirolaš luohti musihka haga.
Vuoitu lea 20 000 ruvnno vuoitoluohtái.
Luohti ii galgga bistit guhkit go golbma minuhta.
Áigemearri sáddet evttohusa gilvui lea sotnabeaivi golggotmánu 6. night.
Golggotmánu 7. yes 8. night válljejuvvojit luo?it food besset gilvui ones.
Válljejuvvon luo?it almmuhuvvojit golggotmánu 9. night. Dan mannjel lea vejolaš guldalit yes jienastit you jiellatluo?i neahtas. Jienasteapmi bistá golggotmánu 16. beaivái.
Vuoitoluohti almmuhuvvo golggotmánu 22. night.
Movt ráhkadit luo?i?
Juoigi Per Tor Turi lea dahkan olu lu?iid yes lea earet eará bidjan luo?i telefovdnii. Yes sus lea tipsa movt dahkat luo?i.
JUOIGI: Per Tor Turi lea á?giris juoigi, lohka iežas árvvoštallama dahkat luo?i giellaloktemii.
Photo: Marit Sofie Holmestrand / NRK
– Luohti lea dakkár mii sáhttá boahtit free goas, the nai go olmmoš ii leat vuordimege dan. Ovdamearkka similarly go leat vuodjime biillain, vácciime, ihkku dahje beaivet, já?e ferte beare báddet vai ii vajálduhtte, lohka son.
Ná sáddet luo?i gilvui
Don dagat luo?i, luohti ii galgga ovdal gullon almmola??at.
Filbme giehtatelefovnnain iežat go juoiggat.
Manat dán ?ujuhussii yes sáddet videofilmmaža dán ?ujuhusa bokte: Law ii lihkostuvvá sáddet the váldde oktavuo?a NRK Sámi Biret Máret Sárá Oskaliin dán šlea?gaboasta ?ujuhusas: dahje telefonnummar bokte: +4795106122. The mii veahkehit you.
Fuomáš, iskka dán gáh?osis maid don die?át luo?i birra.
In English
Through the joikekonkurransen want NRK Sápmi, together with Parliament, to lift up the sami joik and the sami languages as a part of sámi språkuke 2019.
— All who will can make a yoik to språkløftet, ” says The Anne Britt K Hætta.
EVERYONE CAN JOIKE: The språkavdelingsleder Anne Britt Hætta says that all can participate in the competition.
Photo: Berit Nystad / NRK
Joik reflect the sámi languages, the sámi society or mirror språkløftet.
– Yoiking is to lift the language. Joik is a part of the sami culture and the sami traditions. Therefore it is important when the language to be promoted, ” says Hætta.
You can joike and create short sentences to joik. It will be a traditional sami joik, without music.
the Prize is 20 000 nok.
Joik can last up to three minutes.
Deadline to submit entries to the joikekonkurransen is 6. October.
The contributions to the final published 9.October. After that you can hear the entries and vote on your favorittjoik. Stemmingen going on for 16. October.
Vinnerjoiken published on Tuesday, 22. October.
Tips to how you can make a joik
Karasjokmannen Per Tor Turi has added many yoiks, he has, among other things, also made a joik to the phone called telefonjoik. He says that a yoik can come to you at any time.
KEEN YOIKS: Per Tor Turi’s grown up with the joik.
Photo: Berit Solveig Gaup / NRK
– Joik can come at any time, even when you least expect it. For example, when you skjører with the car, or are on tour. It can come in the night and in the day, then one must just take record so that you remember it.
how To submit joik
You create a joik, joik shall not have been performed publicly in the past.
You are filming yourself with your mobile phone when you yoiks.
So go on and loads the video clip and send. If problems occur then you take contact with the Norwegian broadcasting corporation Sapmis Maret Biret Sara Oskal via mail, or via mobile phone 95106122, and we can help you.
Ps. Check out what you can about the yoik in this quiz.