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Instead of in old age in a retirement home, why not just the evening of Life on a cruise ship to spend? A company wants to make it possible.

seniors should get to your working life now have the opportunity to spend the time instead in a retirement home on a cruise ship. The company Ted Cruises has converted a ship to a floating retirement home.

Instead of going to a nursing home via a cruise through the evening of Life to sail all the way

It sounds really edgy: On the “ MS live the dream ” can seniors move in, to spend your Life , to deadlines rather than in a nursing home. So older people should have life according to their work the “best time of your life” as it is called by the company Ted Cruises.

The cruise ship, which is actually designed for around 350 passengers has been reduced from Ted Cruises to 220 seats , so that since then there are more calm and places for retreat. In addition, the ship is designed to meet the needs of older people. There is wheelchair access, a Crew consisting of nursing staff is in charge, but also to the seniors.

read : What are the costs on the cruise, you should know, according to Stiftung Warentest.

cruise as a care home: for seniors offered

The cruise ship is different with regard to the luxury from retirement home . So the seniors should be able to use there Restaurants and Bars, and Live Bands and Shows all-round well entertained. In the various ports where the ship stops, you can go to the country and the environment view.

in Addition, all standing, of course, to medical supply : A hospital ward rooms with operating room, medical treatment, and trained personnel to emergency response arrangements in the cabins and drugs, everything was sufficiently available.

read : With this extraordinary Trick, you save on the cruise, a lot of money.

cruise as a retirement home: What does it cost?

doesn’t Sound so bad, but is probably really expensive? Here comes the Surprise: compared to the cost of a nursing home, which amounts to around 3,000 to 3,500 Euro per month, cost to the seniors cruise similar to a lot of: An inside cabin for 2.900, an outside cabin for € 3,900 per month.

interesting : you have chosen: Which is your favorite cruise ship for 2019.


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