Logs on Instagram-Star Adrienne Koleszar back to the police service? She has made her decision might be.

Update from 15. December 2018: On last Monday, had to Adrienne Koleszar decide whether to remain a COP or to your career as a Influencerin care. A conversation has taken place. It, Betboo however, remained inconclusive, as the image learned. “You have not informed us of your decision. We assume that you on 1. January commencement of your service again,“ said the police spokesman Thomas Geithner (44) of the sheet.

Koleszar self-power since Wednesday holiday in South Africa and enjoys the warm weather in Cape town. From there, you post diligently photos on Instagram. Under one, she writes: “More from the day in my infinitely long, never-ending, pixelated Instagram Story. Should I stop?“ This is a note on how you will continue? The question “Should I stop?” you can point to each case, so that it quarrels with the decision.

check out this post on Instagram

#table mountain, 5 degrees, mood . More from the day in my infinitely long, never-ending, pixelated Instagram Story. Should I stop it?

A post shared by Adrienne Koleszár (@adrienne_koleszar) on Dec 13, 2018 10:00 PM PST

Ups! COP the Bathrobe slips down a message to your employer?

Dresden – The time limit runs out! To this Assembly should decide Adrienne Koleszar (34), where she sees her future. The police officer from Dresden, had taken a sabbatical from her Job as a vigilante. To work on your Star-Fame.

Koleszar posted about all the months, each lot of hot photos on Instagram, was, to the great Influencerin for travel and Beauty topics. In the meantime, tell to follow and write 593.000 people, the 34-Year-old in Instagram. Can return anyone back in the regular work?

According to the image it is in the salary group A9, earned 2700 Euro gross. On the other hand, you should have an offer from a TV station for a Fitness series.

A difficult decision that you must make now. On Thursday, she had to check in according to the report, in the case of a supervisor. To decide up this Monday, whether you are working from January again as a COP or finally out. “I would like to have both. However, life is not a wish concert“, she quarrels.

Up to Thursday, had not yet taken a decision. “Ms. Koleszar has not made a decision about their future in the police,” – quoted the image, a authorities spokesman.

Adrienne Koleszar: “I don’t know the answer for once”

On Saturday Koleszar was revealed in low-cut formatted Bikini. “To all who are looking for an answer. I don’t even know them“ – you don’t need a lot of imagination, to imagine what the relative might be.

look at life you this post on Instagram

#character. To all of you who are looking for an answer. I don’t know you.

A post shared by Adrienne Koleszár (@adrienne_koleszar) on Dec 7, 2018 by 11:06 PST

her latest Instagram photo is certainly a tendency to glimpse. Koleszar is in a shower, your ups slips, but also, and the robe on both arms down. A deliberate glitch. At first glance, it would be to see her left breast bare. It is, however, only her left forearm.

A message to your employer that you decided against the police service?

see you took this post on Instagram

advertising | a long, Long time. At last he is online. The next blog post goes literally under the skin. My friend, my enemy, my skin will never grow up. Maybe. My last Story has shown that an incredible number of people are suffering from their skin problems. Together with @eucerin_de I will, therefore, further 40 #dermopure care sets ✨. Comments about how long you accompany your skin problems already, with which of #falsehoods skin of her face have been or what you’ve already tried. The terms and conditions as a Link under the blog post (see Bio) and here: http://eucerinxdermopure.insta-snap.de/. #eucerin #eucerin life #challenge acne

A post shared by Adrienne Koleszár (@adrienne_koleszar) on Dec 9, 2018 at 3:31 PM PST

not discontinued the Posting, just on a whim, the identification as ‘advertising’ – it denotes a partnership with a cosmetics manufacturer to ensure beautiful skin. And they raffled together 40 care kits.

Adrienne Works Koleszar at all times as a police officer?

While most take the photo to the occasion, to address skin problems, some are thrilled, of course, Koleszars sight itself. “How beautiful the picture is” and “madly in love with your pictures”.

And, of course, the Fans have followed the latest developments. “Beautiful Photo. What interests me is burning, you go back to the police,“ want to know a Followein. “Or do you not like your new life?”

On this decision, many of the curious are probably …

in addition to Germany’s hottest COP, there is also Germany’s hottest Doctor, and Germany’s hottest nurse.
