On Sunday, 26. May is elected to the European Parliament. Here you’ll learn, when the notification for the European elections in 2019.

Brussels – Sunday, 26. May is elected in Germany by the European Parliament. In the run-up to the European elections in 2019, so-called choice, notifications are sent by the municipalities to all citizens, eligible to vote. In order for you to be informed that you are in the voters ‘ register.

In the Following, we will explain to you, what’s up with the notification for the European elections in 2019, when it should be no later than when you arrived and what you can do, if you have not received it.

European elections in 2019: when will I receive the notification?

About four to six weeks before the election you will receive your voter’s notification. the Latest on the 21. The day before the election, you would have to get your election notification, so 5. May . On the reverse side of the notification you will find a form that you must Fill out, if you want to select a different polling station of their constituency or by postal ballot.

The election notification contains additional information to the election day, a choice of time, location of the polling station and whether this is wheelchair accessible.

do I Need to bring the notification in the European elections of 2019 to the polling station?

Who has received the notification, should this 26, also on Sunday. May, 2019, in the polling station, bring your own. So it can be determined on-the-spot easily, if you may actually a choice.

choosing a notification, you simply swipe when Entering the room of the election Board. He retains this. the For safety, you should take, but nevertheless, your identity card or passport.

European elections in 2019: notification not received – What to do?

What should you do when you’re up to 5. May has not received any notification? First of all, you should not Worry about it.

best check with your municipality to find out if they are registered in the voters ‘ register. they Are not wrong in the voters ‘register and a Supplement is after the completion of the voters’ register is not possible, you can also receive a polling card on application.

European elections in 2019: one Can choose without notification?

In the European elections in Germany may participate only if you have previously received a notification.

Only then can you assume that they are in the register of voters of their municipality and thus, in the above-mentioned polling station are entitled to vote. the However, you do not need to take the communication in your choice locally. you Should have left at home, or forget to, can you> .

to be but If you have to get before the election, no election notification and you have not notified the competent municipality, you must expect on-site from the electoral Board rejected. You will not be able to influence with their vote, the election result of the European elections.

Further information about the European elections in 2019

Here you will learn where you need to choose and how to make the election locally. If you still do not know, whom to choose, you can use the Wahl-O-Mat to compare the election programs of the parties. Here you can access the Wahl-O-Mat, which can help you in the choice decision. The current survey results is available here. The election programmes of the various parties, you can find here. How to apply for the absentee ballot and how the ballot paper is to be completed, we have summarized for you.

European elections in 2019: forecasts, outcomes, reactions in the Live-Ticker and Stream

On election day we provide you in our Live-Ticker for the European elections in 2019 with all of the information about the exciting choice. Whether results, reactions, and current projections – with us you can get all the News.

to stay in the run-up to the election to date, we have for you our News Ticker for the European elections. Here you will find all the latest news in the European election.
