electoral districts of Hesse: Here you can find all the candidates and results of the state election in 2018

The constituency 33 – Main-Taunus II, which includes the cities and municipalities of Flörsheim am Main, Hattersheim am Main, Hochheim am Main, Hofheim am Taunus, Kriftel. At the state election in 2018, a total of 82.011 persons are entitled to vote. At the state election, 2013 Axel winter Meyer (CDU) won the constituency 33, Main-Taunus II, He took a first vote share of 45.8 percent. Axel winter Meyer to the state election in 2018, in the state of Hesse in the district Main-Taunus II, again as a direct candidate.

According to the state election, please see below the results of the constituency 33 – Main standing Overview-Taunus II.

constituency 33 – Main-Taunus II: The are the direct candidates and their result, Axel winter Meyer (CDU) of 33.6 Gisela Stang (SPD) 21,0 Oliver Christian (Green) of 18.6 Ingo von Seemen (Left) 4,9 Kornelia Ahr-Wiere (FDP) 7,0 Thomas Kaus (AfD) Of 11.2 Sahabet Ivaloo Schölzel (Free voters) 3,8

these are the top candidates of the major parties.

Who do you choose? Try the Wahl-O-Mat.

Hesse-choice,: letter to apply for election, so it goes

the result of the state election in 2013 in the constituency 33 – Main-Taunus II

the state of Hesse is divided into a total of 55 constituencies. In every a direct candidate is determined.

The voters are allowed to make two crosses. With the first vote or the constituency vote, select a direct candidate in their constituency. With the second voice or the country voice, the Hesse vote for a party. In the regional elections 23 political parties, to the land lists, the names of 691 applicants. The second vote is decisive for the composition of new country tags and the relations of forces.

Currently, the CDU and the Greens under the Prime Minister Volker Bouffier rule in the state of Hesse.

survey prior to the state election in Hesse, Germany: three-way race is always close