In Munich before Christmas, you are in the station quarter, but Casinovale also to see in the valley in droves – beggars from Eastern Europe. One of them is Marta from Hungary.

Munich – A paper Cup of McDonald’s in the hands of a few coins, there are no five Euro. Marta kneels at the Viktualienmarkt on a piece of cardboard and a cloth bag. She says she’s 30 years old. But she looks much older.

Marta is one of the many beggars that are everywhere in the city and on compassion, hope. Almost all of them come from Romania, Hungary or Slovakia. Beggar’s focal point is not only the area on the market, but also the Bayer Strasse and the Goethe street in the station area. Also, throughout the year you can see here a lot of people on the sidewalk to sit or kneel, your please hands in the direction of the passers-by routes – but now, before Christmas, their number increases significantly. “Unfortunately, these people are Advent here, especially present,” says, for example, Fritz Wickenhäuser from the club’s southern station district. His presumption: “Professional beggars hoping for before Christmas, more donations.” He is convinced that most of the beggars belong to organized gangs. “We have observed that their revenue will be picked up,” he says.

forced Begging in Munich, Germany or great Distress?

in fact, it gangs since years, reports of organized Begging. For the passers-by, the encounters are always connected with the question: Should I give this poor people to the edge of the road money? Or I am supporting the beggar mafia and causing even more of a pity because I comment on the business model of evil behind men? Fritz Wickenhäuser warns, for example, about to give in such a Situation, money. Because, based on organised gangs: “as a result, this market is lucrative.”

Back to the Viktualienmarkt, back to Marta. She comes from Hungary. Your mother live there – you need a heart SURGERY, says Marta. That’s why she was in Munich: you want to beg for money for her mom’s heritage. When we ask whether it belongs to a group that denied you. But while she gets up and speaks to us, kneels another woman on Martha’s cardboard box and begins to beg. Marta says, you know. And again, the questions appear in the back of the head.

also read : Incorrect mendicant monks in Munich! So you should

Munich: The prohibition zone in the city center

+ Munich: The prohibition zone in the city center.©tz-graphics

The so-called silent Begging is allowed in Munich – with the exception of the old town-pedestrian zone and the Oktoberfest. Because there were many complaints has the city in 2014, but In the above area signed Tackle is prohibited to Beg, if it bothered citizens (such as through Intrusive), if it happens in the company of children or animals, or band is legally organized.

This is the Munich police about the beggars

tells The police to events such as Christmas markets and Oktoberfest every year, increased numbers of beggars. A criminal offence of Begging is non – aggressive and organised Begging, for example, are offenses of procedure. “Organized Begging, we can prove,” says police spokesman Sven Müller. But: “If all of us come from Romania, it can be assumed that a structure behind it…”

the priest says: “no one volunteered”

pastor Rainer Maria Schießler gets every day when people reject his Church of the Holy spirit and begging. “When I was a child, my father told me a sentence I will never forget,” says the pastor. “Nobody does that voluntarily.” Since then, he always has a stocking with small money to donate to something. “But to me it would be right, if you bound the Begging, this can set the trade.”

the city says: Begging alone does not criminalize

For the Municipal outdoor services is Begging, especially in the aggressive variant – a large topic. In September alone, the Sheriff had 116 bets in that direction (no 1 of use reasons). Organized structures are difficult to prove, according to the circuit management unit. Speaker John Mayer, but stresses: “first and foremost it is about people in distress.” Begging alone should not be criminalized.

also read : Beggar-Alarm in the U-Bahn MVG warns of the music mesh

this is Why everyone in Munich should quarter of our city pages on Facebook

What to know their Munich neighborhood is? Sendling? Ramersdorf? Moosach? The Westend? We have created Facebook pages where we share all of the Important, Exciting, and Beautiful, and your love to this quarter with you. Here along to the list.

Kathrin Braun