1. Limousine-driving

Or economic driving style, as it is also called, is to increase and decrease speed in a calm way.

Nils Sødal in the NAF says there is a part to grab on to run the economic.

– You can quickly reduce fuel consumption by 10 to 15 per cent by running with a so-called economical driving style, ” says Sødal.

He adds that this also reduces the emissions with the same percentage.

It is comfortable to drive a limousine. Do you have limousine drivers ‘ skills you’ll also save money.

Photo: Bjørn Hostvedt / NRK 2. Run more slowly

Privatøkonomiekspert Rune Pedersen in the Smart Money says the higher speed gives greater fuel consumption, among other things, because the wind resistance increases.

– When you start to move over 100 km/h, wind resistance increases sharply and thus also fuel consumption, ” says Pedersen.

Researcher Kenneth Rødseth in the institute of transport (ITE), says a study done by the European Environment Agency showed that a deceleration from 120 to 110 km/h gives a reduction of 2-3 per cent.

He refers to the phrase “Eco-routing”, which means to select a path between A and B, which decreases the fuel consumption.

As an example the driver to avoid roads with climbs, high speeds, or roads with much traffic.

How often do you think about economy when you are driving a car? 3. Clean the car

Empty the car of unnecessary things, is another advice from Sødal in the NAF.

– Avoid unnecessary use of the roof rack, skibokser and load in the car.

– Every extra pound you take with you are increasing fuel consumption, says privatøkonomiekspert Pedersen .

He thinks it’s a good idea to take out unnecessary pounds from the car and that it pays to have a little fuel in the tank.

– Every extra pound you take with you increases the fuel consumption, ” says Rune Pedersen in the Smart Money.

Photo: Erlend Aas / NTB scanpix 4. The appropriate provides

At Wright trafikkskole in the timing of the trip, students have often competitions to use the least possible fuel. Trafikklærer Gerd Berit Lia says she advises students to choose the correct provides to save your wallet.

Use the highest possible jump like over a gear when you shift, is trafikklærerens advice.

Lia receives the support of Pedersen in Smart Money.

– This is more energy-efficient. Low gives uses more fuel, ” explains Pedersen.

5. Give car care

Maintenance and tire pressure have an impact on how much diesel and petrol you use.

Fuel consumption increases if there is incorrect tire pressure, ” says Sødal.

– another case is that the tyres wear faster, ” says Pedersen.

Because the misaligned spark plugs and clogged air filters increase consumption, mean Pedersen it is a good idea to maintain the car.

don’t wait so long to check your tyre pressures. Save both fuel and tires!

Photo: Anne Melsom Bjerke / NRK 6. Plan city traffic

Pedersen believes that there is a part to save to drive smoothly and avoid stop.

– Release the accelerator pedal as early as possible.

– See far forward, then ranks you to plan so you get adapted to the speed, ” says trafikklærer Lia.

Sødal in the NAF call it to get the “work room”, to keep distance to other cars.

another advantage is that the driver crashes less.

– So it is also good economy in lowering the risk to dent, ” says Sødal.

One thing is Pedersen, Lia and Sødal agreed that:

– do Not run the engine at idle!

7. Use cruise control

Bilcomputeren is better than you to have a steady speed.

– Use the cruise control on the highway, advises Pedersen.

He says that the steady speed provides lower consumption. Pedersen urges to accelerate the particular and not a long time to get up in speed.

Many cars have a feature that tells how much you spend per mile. Do you, can you see if you can manage to get down the century – let it go sport in it!