Andreas Gabalier will be celebrated as a musician, now he has carried on one of his concerts unusual statements. With a strange Christmas Video, he defines and justifies itself.

Update, 16.02 PM: In an Interview with “” commented Andreas Gabalier now, to the scandal of the “ox and ass”. “Have dealt – now need to plug in”, justifies the singer.

“folk-Rocker” with a strange Christmas Video

Update from 18. December, 13.20 : With Christmas hat and sweater dressed in, presents Andreas Gabalier in a Facebook Video in front of the crib and tells a “story of Christmas from Vienna” by ox and ass. “Well, but actually only in very small Parts,” says the musician. “Because of this ox and this ass Nativity scene in this great Austrian Christmas really only a very minor role to play.”

Update from 17. December: , The Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier provided after the completion of his hall tour for a scandal in Austria, such as courier and crown reports. The folk-rockers have offended the media, whose reporting him apparently, not commitment. In front of his Fans in the Stadthalle in Vienna, he had attacked the daily newspaper der Standard and the weekly newspaper Falter, both of which are considered to be a left-wing liberal.

Because “the whole of Vienna is now gone in costume to a Gabalier”, whose editors “undercover in the hall” to write “devastating stories” that have Gabalier said at the concert. Since the editors-in-chief didn’t believe in traditions and Christian festivals, they would have to do on Christmas eve and could occur as the “ox and donkey”, in his Christmas crib, was quoted by the Rocker. He felt the critical coverage of the two media “in the right corner pushed”.

Andreas Gabalier in Munich’s Olympic hall – the concert was in November

Munich – Actually, it should be him occurred is comparatively small. Andreas Gabalier is now used other: sold-out stadiums, records. Since the 12,000 listeners are likely to – so many of them there were, according to Gabalier on Saturday evening in the Olympic hall – tranquil effect on him.

the concert was Sold out, of course. And yet, a little something was different. Those who had expected an indoor Version of the stages of spectacle, you might have noticed that the Steirer Bua for this cold November evening, thinking about something New.

Andreas Gabalier in Olympia hall in Munich – he intercedes for Fans surprisingly different

is Almost homey, and not only as a Gabalier sings the very end of the bonfire, and accompanied only by Cello and guitar “Amoi seg ma us back”.

Where is for other musicians of 12,000, an incredible number, it means for the Austrians, a more intimate concert – a challenge he overcomes. For this, he selects other songs. And a different presentation.

Gabalier in Munich: On Hulapalu Fans have to wait almost to the end

He moves not from his stadium-stage with the large, circular Monitor in the center, but has reduced the size of everything accordingly. Instead of the horseshoe-shaped arch, there is a long boardwalk that runs almost in the middle of the Arena. And on “Hulapalu” waiting in the hall almost to the end of the Evening.

sound problems: to understand Gabalier in Munich part hardly

the experience is Marred at most from the places badly mixed sound: In some of the songs Gabalier and his excellent backing singers are to be understood. This is a shame, but he makes a good Show Makrobet bet: Home and pithy (“Home”, “Mountain farmer boys”), here and there, seriously and quietly (“the horizon”, “A opinion”). The 33-Year-old, the Balance between the house of Gaudi and the camp fire romance succeeds musically.

And then the factor Gabalier is there, of course. The only a bit of “oaschwackeln” must, so to him the gathered dirndl-clad woman of the world is at your feet. And look up to the lad, therefore, in amazement. It is part of the overall picture that he is a bit Macho, a bit of Bazi. Not everyone likes the white Gabalier, he does it at every appearance-conscious on the subject of.

people who celebrate the phenomenon Andreas Gabalier, but on this evening, eh: The Munich audience, whether in hall or stadium, it is audible well. He feels connected with Munich, he says, and we believe him. It is his tenth Show in the city, a small anniversary, he tells of the first appearance, six people wanted to see him at that time. Today, there are of course many times more.

next year it celebrates its ten year anniversary. It is celebrated in the stadium. And he will certainly think of something to give his loyal audience a further spectacular evening full of folk-Rock’n’Roll. In June Gabalier furios occurred zuum last Time in Munich – are also there.


see also: Real or not? Andreas Gabalier reveals his Tattoo-mystery

Also interesting: Gabalier talks about his youth and reveals that when he for the first Time
