Four young people have taken in Amberg on passers-by and several of them injured. Now has expressed himself in a victim.

Update from the 1. January, 22.01 PM: After four young asylum seekers in Amberg, beat up passers-by, wants to tighten Horst Seehofer, the laws concerning the deportation of asylum seekers.

Amberg Additional Participants come to the word

Update from the 1. January, 21.51 clock: Four drunken Teenagers beat in Amberg, passers-by indiscriminately, and thus a debate about the violence of refugees triggered. On a Facebook entry on the incident, mayor Michael Cerny (CSU) got reactions from all over Germany and abroad. “There are people from Hamburg and Berlin, the my all of a sudden, you could assess the Situation in Amberg report,” said the town mayor on Tuesday, the German press Agency. Many of the 40 000 inhabitants are horrified as he because of the incident, upset or shocked.

The accused, according to the police, asylum-seekers from Afghanistan, Syria and Iran. They had attacked on Saturday night at the railway station of the city and in the old town, suddenly, passers-by. Twelve people between the ages of 16 to 42 years, were injured, most lightly. A 17-had to Years stationary, however, due to a head injury to the hospital.

The suspects, aged 17 to 19 years, sitting in various prisons in custody – mainly due to the charge of dangerous bodily injury.

Via image more Involved now. And raise serious allegations. About a 13-year-old victim (see previous Update) by the name of Nino M.: “Suddenly, one of the refugees was in there, turned on Marco. He said: Why you did to me ‘Fuck you’ say? Go fuck yourself!‘ But Marco didn’t say anything. I asked the refugee why he says this now to Marco. Because he kicked me in the stomach.“ Marco said Landscape gardener (see previous Update).

a 17-Year old to the Victims: “they insulted us as ‘Niggers’, to beat immediately. We wanted to run away, but they caught up with us at the traffic light. There were at least six people. Three of my friends got a shock, I was knocked down and kicked.“

Rainer Wendt (62), chief of the German police Union, calls for the image of a statement: “the speaker of The Federal government must explain to the case. It can’t be that it is only a ‘witch hunt’ when it comes to extreme right-wing perpetrators.”

Amberg: a victim of beatings Orgy comments

Update from the 1. January, 20.32 PM: In Amberg, there is the spanking-Orgy from Saturday still horror. asked around locally. And also with Marco plug-spoken. The Landscape gardener and the occasional security man belong to the Victims of the violence-Quartet.

“In the station hall, four types, which have looked to us,” says the 29-Year-old. Suddenly the Largest of them came out and kicked for no reason a 13-year-old boy, standing next to me, with one foot in the belly. Just like that. I was really totally stunned.“

He had wanted the boy to talk, had been of his pals. “Marco, come on,’ she said, ‘are totally fucked up and much too aggressive’.”

Nevertheless, he was a victim: “About two minutes after the lousy Kick to the little boy, he is suddenly in front of me. And hits me with full force a Hand in the face.“

Beatings of young people – debate about refugee violence

Update from the 1. January, 15.35 PM: Four drunken Teenagers beat in the Bavarian town of Amberg passers-by indiscriminately, and thus a debate about the violence of refugees triggered. The accused, according to the police, asylum-seekers from Afghanistan, Syria and Iran. They had attacked on Saturday night at the railway station of the city in the upper Palatinate and in the old town, suddenly, passers-by. Twelve people between the ages of 16 to 42 years, were injured, most lightly. A 17-Year-old because of a head injury in the hospital.

Ambergs mayor Michael Cerny (CSU) had written after the incident on Facebook: “It must, of course, be generalized, in the entirety of these idiots have been proven but also the peaceful and dedicated to asylum seekers a disservice.” The judiciary must respond with an appropriate hardness and in consequence, the asylum authorities or institutions of the youth welfare. He was horrified, wrote Cerny. “We do not need such violence in Amberg and you don’t want to see us.” Over the year, the post has been commented on around 200 Times, often with asylum critical voices.

The Bavarian AfD is calling for the immediate deportation of the accused.

Up to Tuesday have reported no further victims to the police. “The twelve are not enough,” said a spokesman for the police Presidium of the upper Palatinate. The suspects, aged 17 to 19 years, sitting in various prisons in custody – mainly due to the charge of dangerous bodily injury.

Teens on cock tour: Suspect in custody

Update from 31. December, 13.20 PM: After the attacks on passers-by in the Bavarian town of Amberg has taken four suspects into custody. An investigative judge issued on Sunday evening arrest warrant against the four accused at the age of 17 to 19 years, such as the police station in Amberg said. The men from Afghanistan, Syria and Iran were in different prisons.

According to a report by the Bavarian broadcasting company, the four asylum seekers came from Amberg. A live in Auerbach, one in Regensburg, the other two would not have a fixed address.

Teens on cock tour of Amberg – several injured

Amberg, Germany – a Total of twelve people between the ages of 16 and 42 years, were injured, most of them easily, the police announced. A 17-had to-Year due to a head injury in the hospital.

Amberg: It began in the station area

your spanking tour had started, the four young men aged 17 to 19 years, therefore on Saturday evening in the station area: they should have beaten an incoming travellers several times in the face. A few minutes later, they beat on the station forecourt on two other passers-by, and were then able to flee first. Shortly thereafter, the men should have violated a total of nine people. The youths had been arrested close to the station, it said on Sunday. An investigative judge issued on the evening of the arrest warrants against all four Suspects.


see also:Horror accident on the run from the police: 18-Year-old mother goes to the Parking lot dead