
Zara Tugwell, a former Love Island star, reportedly danced through the pain of a broken leg during her time on Strictly Come Dancing. It was revealed that she sustained the injury during training and continued to rehearse and perform with the help of painkillers.

Despite the injury, Zara and her partner Graziano Di Prima pushed through and performed in the show until they were eventually eliminated. Only after leaving the competition did Zara seek treatment and discover the extent of her injury, which included ligament damage and a stress fracture in her left tibia.

Graziano was later dropped from Strictly after admitting to kicking Zara during a training session. This revelation added to the ongoing drama surrounding the show, with Zara’s injury being kept secret from BBC producers until recently.

The pain of her injury was so severe that Zara cannot bear to rewatch her final performance on the show as it brings back painful memories. Despite the challenges she faced, Zara chose to keep her injury hidden because she did not want to create any trouble for the production.

In a surprising turn of events, it has been rumored that Zara’s friend Pete Wicks has signed up for the upcoming season of Strictly. His participation is expected to bring a fresh energy to the show, especially after the controversies that have surrounded it recently.

Overall, Zara Tugwell’s journey on Strictly Come Dancing was filled with challenges and obstacles, but she persevered and danced through the pain until the very end. Her story serves as a reminder of the dedication and determination required in the competitive world of dance competitions.