To the doctor, even though nothing hurts? Doesn’t sound so tempting. However, there are diseases that do not cause symptoms, but are treatable. Therefore, one or other of early detection investigation makes good sense.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Who feels healthy and fit, wasted no thoughts about going to the doctor. The Problem: Many diseases, such as hypertension or elevated blood fat levels in the early stage, as well as not noticeable.

you can, however, lead to a heart attack or bahisol stroke. In order to do this, it is important to early detection examinations. The sooner risks are identified, and the earlier one controls, the better the chances for many more healthy years.

cancer early detection for women

persons Insured with the statutory health insurance (GKV) from the age of 20 years, all twelve months have to this claim. The investigation is carried out with a gynecologist. A smear from the cervix is taken as well as the internal and external sex organs will be examined, such as Ann Marini of the GKV spitzenverband said in Berlin.

chlamydia Screening for women

chlamydia are bacteria. They lead to inflammation of the urethra, the genitals and the rectum. Many chlamydia infections are not detected because they cause hardly any discomfort. Chlamydia can lead to infertility or in the case of a Pregnant woman to premature birth. Entitled to an annual chlamydia Screening have statutory health insurance up to the age of 25 years, according to Marini.

Advanced cancer screening for women

This is a GKV-performance for women aged 30 years. Focus on questions about the change of skin, or breast. In addition, according to Marini, a Sampling of the physician of the breast and underarms for any abnormalities. The gynecologist also explains how the patient himself can palpate the breast.

Check-up for women and men

the doctor looks, how healthy someone is. So far, the investigation is entitled to by law after the age of 35, every two years. Most likely starting in the spring of 2019 Fund patients have all three years of a claim, there should be a further one-off investigation between the ages of 18 to 35 years.

At the time of Check-up the doctor a couple of questions about the history of the patient. Thereafter, a physical examination, including heart, stomach and lungs be checked, explains the Kiel Internist Prof. Ulrich R. Fölsch. Then the doctor takes blood. It will be studied in the laboratory with a view to blood sugar and cholesterol levels. On the basis of the results, the doctor can assess whether a risk for Diabetes mellitus. So far, the GKV will only pay for the determination of total cholesterol. Soon there should be a differentiated picture of cholesterol broken down by the “good” and “bad” cholesterol as well as triglycerides.

is measured in Addition at the Check-up the blood pressure of the patient. This value, together with the cholesterol value to indicate whether a risk for arteriosclerosis (vascular calcification) or for a heart attack. Also to Check up, a urine examination. It provides information about kidney or bladder diseases. In the future, the doctor Check-up check the vaccination status, says Fölsch.

skin cancer Screening for women and men

it’s a matter of signs of white or black skin cancer track. The doctor looks at the whole body. This Screening should be carried out in connection with the Check-up, advises the Federal Ministry of health. Take it can take years for all Insured persons 35 years and over every two, in the future, all three.

cancer screening for men

From your 45. Years of age can take this examination annually at cash costs in the claim. The prostate and the external Genitalia are sampled.

mammography Screening

women over 50 get up to your 69. Year, every two years an invitation to the Screening in a certified medical facility. Your Breasts will be x-rayed by mammography, about nodules on the track.

colon cancer early detection for women and men

From the age of 50. up to your 55. The age of women and men every year from the age of 55. Years of age every two years, is entitled to an investigation, the concealed finds blood in the stool. Alternatively, adults from the age of 55. Age of two early recognition of intestinal mirror.

ultrasound Screening for the early detection of abdominal aortic aneurysms

in January 2018 men can take 65 and a one-time ultrasound examination for the early detection of abdominal aortic aneurysm (enlargement of the abdominal aorta). The examination will only be offered to men, because this is much more of an abdominal aortic aneurysm to be affected than women, according to the Federal Ministry of health.

dental plan

The Shi pays for their adult Insured two check-UPS per year. She also comes every twelve months for the removal of hard and soft plaque.

Individual health services (IGeL)

in addition to screening on a cash cost, there are additional examinations, which offer Doctors as so-called Individual health services (IGeL). You do not belong to the scope of the statutory health insurance in the medical services. Either there was no sufficient evidence for their Use are according to the information Ministry before, or have not yet been evaluated on its Usefulness.